Monday, September 27, 2010

Week #4!
Sorry we didn't do a week 3 posting..... things got a little crazy busy here last week!
All Classes
Our first visit to the OEC ( Outdoor Education Center) will be Next Friday, October 8th. Students have already been told to dress for the weather, but we will continue with reminders until the day that we go. We will be at the OEC all day so students will either need to pack a lunch or they will have needed to select "school lunch" on the permission slip that you signed for them at the beginning of the year.
Field Trip
All three fifth grade classes will be attending an artist education show by Michael Moshun on Wednesday, December 8th at 12:15. This will be a chaperone free trip due so the number of seats that are available at the show. Students will eat lunch early at Sunset and then depart for the Kalamazoo civic center.
Picture Day this Wednesday, Sept. 29th!
A.R. Goals
A.R. goals for this marking period have already been set and the 25% goal has already passed.
The 50% goal is October 7th.
The 75% goal is October 25th
The 100% goal is November 4th.
Kids will want to make sure they reach their 100% goal this time! We're have an amazing yo yo performer come in. He is awesome!
In science all students should have by now completed sets 1 -4 of their term cards. In addition to practice times in the classroom, students will need to be studying these words every night as they have a TEST on Friday over sets 1 - 4. All students have been informed of this, and the test date is written on the back board... so don't accept any excuses on Thursday night when they claim they "didn't know they had a test!"
Science and Social Studies
Science students will begin Social studies classes and social studies students will begin their 4 week science rotation on Monday, October 11th. Orange science books will continue to be used AFTER the current science students finish their 4 week social studies unit, so please make sure that these do not get lost! If you see it ( "Forces and Motion" is the title) laying around at home, please send it back to school and encourage them to keep in in their desks!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week #2 !!!!

Thanks to all the parents and students who were able to make it to Open House on Thursday night. It was so nice to meet all of you!

Switching Classes

Science, Social Studies and Math Switch starts on Monday. All students in all classes were told what group they are in for this switch. Sadowski's students should all have written their designated group letter inside the information page of their Schedule/Agenda books.

Groups A & C have Science until October 11th. Groups B & D have Social Studies until that same date.

Groups A & B go to math at 10:15. At that same time Group C has Science and Group D has Social Studies.

At 11:15 Groups C &D go to Math and Group A goes to Science and D goes to Social Studies.

Meap Tests are Coming

Meap testing is coming up quick. I'll list the dates early this week regarding which days testing will take place. PLEASE try NOT to schedule any dentist, doctor, or other appointments on these days as it is critical that they be our rooms taking these state mandated tests.

Words Their Way ( WTW is the abbreviation we use) lists will be passed out starting Monday. As in all the years past with this program, students will cut out their words for practice sorts as well as writing them in either their WTW journal or booklet ( This varies by teacher preference). These journals or booklets is what they need to be bringing home to study, not their cut out words. The cut out words are for use for class spelling activities individually or with a partner. Spelling tests are Friday, so a review of their words a few minutes each night should prepare them.

Accelerated Reader ( A.R.)
Accelerated Reader goals for the marking period have been set. Some students have already begun taking tests. I will post the deadline dates for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% goals for this marking period later this week.
Don't forget! Picture day is September 29th!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to 5th Grade!

Hello and welcome to our 5th grade information Blog!

All students received all of their required information packets and flyers in their mailboxes on Tuesday, the first day of school. Most have already returned these registration and emergency dismissal forms and we appreciate that very much. For those of you who have not had time to complete those forms, please get those back to us as soon as possible.

Open house for Sunset is Thursday, September 9th. 5th grade parents and students are asked to meet in the gym for a brief meeting BEFORE heading to your child's designated classroom. Even though each 5th grade teacher has a desginated area of study (science, social stuies, and math) that all of the students will participate in, we want to talk to you about how much we make an effort to get our classrooms together to do things as an entire 5th grade rather than just as individual classrooms.Following this informational meeting we all look forward to meeting you individually in our rooms.

Picture day is coming up fast! Picture day is September 29th.

Homework for this week is READING! If your child has been reading all summer long, FANTASTIC! But for everyone else, we're getting back into the school groove by requiring each student to read a minimum of a half hour each night. That works out to 3 1/2 hours total per week that your student needs to read outside of school. Reading goals for each marking period are set with this time factored in. If your student is not hitting their required reading goal, then they are most likely not putting in the time they need to at home. Students have all been told that should after school activities prevent them from reading one night, they will need to double up and read for an hour the next night.

PLANNING BOOKS! Each student received a planning book that they will be required to write both daily assignments in, as well as homework assignments and upcoming events. Next year in middle school, these books will serve not only as the primary home/school connection for information, but they also serve as a hall pass and must be on them at all times. We will use ours in a similar fashion to get them ready to carry their books next year. Please ask to see this book nightly, and ASK YOUR STUDENT to share what it was they accomplished in school that day. If they are not bringing these books home daily, please call or email us and let us know asap!