December 1st
WOW! I can't believe November is GONE! Usually I update our blog weekly, but with report cards, conferences, and Thanksgiving this month just TOTALLY got away from us!
So! Here is what is new and coming up!
Science/Social Studies
Groups A & C are back in Science. Groups B and D are back in Social Studies. In science, students are contining to work with motion and forces. So far this session they have explored balanced and unbalanced forces through the building of balloon rockets, and we've been testing Newton's first law of physics through the use of tracks, ramps and different weight and mass marbles.
5th Grade and Christmas
All fifth grade students are working on a "secret" writing assignment for Christmas. If they have younger siblings in the house and you ask them about it, they are only allowed to say "We're working on a research project for Christmas..." Later, we will let them fill you in on all the fun details... but for now... ssshhhhhh!
Christmas Party
Our Christmas party will be held in the cafeteria as a whole 5th grade group again. Students will have "stations" that they will rotate between to complete various activities. Parents are MORE than welcome to come and share in our fun! We always need help serving food, at the stations etc.
Mrs. S.'s class will bring Salty and healthy foods.
( Chips, fruit, cheese and crackers, etc)
Mrs. Buell is "Sweet Stuff"
(Cookies, Brownies, Candy, etc)
Mrs. Vandermei is paper products
(Cups, plates, napkins... No styrofoam please! )
Michael Moshun @ Chenery Auditorium
We will be eating lunch at 10:45. Make sure if you chose "home" lunch on the permission slip that you remember to send a lunch with your child that day. Show begins at 12:15. If we return early enough we will be walking to Generous Hands to deliver our cards and our socks from our "Toasty Toes" campaign.
A.R. Goals
50% goal - December 10th.
75% goal January 11th.
100% goal January 28th.