Valentines Day!
Valentines Day is Monday. Since we did the chocolate caper together on Friday, teachers will celebrate valentines day in their individual classrooms.
Sadowski's class list went home on Tuesday of last week. We will make Valentine bags on Monday and pass out Valentines later that day.We will also be watching "Percy Jackson" the Lightning Thief" in the afternoon as we just finished reading that book as a class. There are many differences between the book and the movie, and I look forward to the discussion that will follow concerning exactly how different the movie is.
Back in our Groove!
Now that the holidays, the ski trip, the chocolate caper and Valentines day is (almost) behind us, its back to business as usual! Groups A and C have science this week. Groups B and D have Social Studies. In two more weeks we will switch groups again.
In science we have started a new unit: "Objects in the Sky." This unit covers the seasons, how the angle of the earth on its axis and the direct or indirect light of the sun causes the seasons, the cycles of the moon and the planets. Ask you student what the significance of June 21st, December 21st, March 21st, and September 21st is.... They should all know by now!
Upcoming Field Trips
April 29th 11:30 - 3:00 Kalamazoo Rock and Mineral Show
Location: Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds.
This is a great field trip for parents to join us at! Due to $, we don't have any extra room on the bus for this event, but you are welcome to meet us there. We would arrive at approx. 12:30 and stay until about 1:30 - 2:00. There are tables and tables of dealers selling rock and mineral specimens for as little as 10 cents and other for $1.00. There are jewelry makers with real unset gems for sale. If you like rocks, this is the place to be!
Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery/South Haven
May 26th ( Thursday) All Day. More details to follow.