Well... we flew through March, floated our way through a rainy April and now we're already to May! Where does the time go!
Middle School Class Sign Ups
Middles school class selection sheets went home with students yesterday. Please make sure that these are back to their classroom teachers no later than Tuesday May 10th. Please direct all of your questions regarding these forms to the middles school.
Upscoming Events
May is event month! We usually take all of our fun trips this month as it is usually when the weather is the nicest. The following are the events that need to be on your Calendar:
May 5th - 50% goal for A.R.
May 13th - Field Trip to Kalamazoo Institute of Arts
May 16 - 75% goal for A.R.
May 20th - Outdoor Education Center
May 26th ( Thursday) Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery/ South Haven Trip
May 27th P.m. - Human Growth and Development
May 27th - 100% goal for A.R.
June 1st - A.R. 100% Reward Field Trip
June 6th 9:10 - 5th grade graduation
June 7th - Track and Field Day