Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27th update

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

  In student mailboxes tonight are a few papers that should come home. Two spelling tests from the last two weeks, A short writing sample. If they don't bring anything home in the next few days be SUSPICIOUS! Some of the kids had low spelling test scores that they need to retake.

Reminder that our class's \"Penguin Patch\" holiday shopping time is Thursday December 13th at 2:45 p.m. Kids who don't have money will be welcome to look.

Christmas party will once again be in the Cafeteria with all 5th grades.  I don't know what we're doing yet in regards to a gift exchange etc.... two years ago we had each child bring in a pair of socks to donate to the generous hands kids.  Let me get with Mrs. Buell and Mrs. Vandermei and see what they would like to do.

Also.... Christmas gifts for ME are NOT necessary.  My greatest gift is being able to spend time with your kids each day and seeing the world again through their eyes.  If however you really want to get something, our class can always use glue sticks, markers and clorox wipes for our desks.  Or Barnes and Noble gift cards so I can get some more books for them for our library.

Spelling lists for this week as as follows:

– List 1 Square group

List 2 – Diamond group
1. repair
List 3 – Circle

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19th Update

Tomorrow November 20th is picture retake day. If your student is getting retakes, make sure they bring back the packet of pictures that they don't want, and are dressed and ready for pictures.

December 13th the “Christmas Shoppe” is going to be set up in the science lab for your student to purchase gifts for the family. Gifts are offered at a lower cost for students who might be saving their pennies for a gift for mom, dad, or siblings for Christmas.  Our class visitation time is 2:45 – 3:15.  Items must be paid for at that time.

December 14th we will be taking a field trip to the Kalamazoo Institute of arts (KIA) and the Kalamazoo Valley Museum.  If you would like to help chaperone on this trip please let me know. I would like to have at least two parents, but more are welcome! Email me at tsadowski@vicksburgschools.org or call me at 321-1530 if you can help out.

     Also… at the beginning of the year you signed and sent in permission slips stating whether or not you wanted your student to bring their own lunch or get a school sack lunch. Please check that list (I sent home a copy) to review where your student is getting their lunch on that day. If you didn’t  get a copy… contact me… I have the master in my binder.

 Due to the shortened week, the spelling list for this week is the same as the list for next week. 
List 1 –Square
1.       pharmacy
2.       aware
3.       carpet
4.       pardon
5.       carnival
6.       remark
7.       scarce
8.       solitaire
9.       argue
10.   harmonica
11.   vary
12.   aquarium
13.   flair
14.   wary
15.   temporary
16.   regard
17.   scarcely
18.   paragraph
19.   despair
20.   garbage

List 2 – Diamond
1.       repair
2.       aware
3.       carpet
4.       pardon
5.       guard
6.       remark
7.       scarce
8.       declare
9.       argue
10.   department
11.   vary
12.   prepare
13.   flair
14.   article
15.   farther
16.   regard
17.   area
18.   harvest
19.   despair
20.   flare

List 3 – Circle
1.       Repair
2.       unfair
3.       stare
4.       march
5.       guard
6.       compare
7.       cart
8.       declare
9.       department
10.   prepare
11.   article
12.   farther
13.   area
14.   harvest
15.   flare

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November Update

Due to technical difficulties ( My school computer is known for this....) the blog is just NOW being updated!

Conferences are half over!  This Thursday I have round 2 starting at 5:30.  For security reasons conferences are listed by student initials only.

5:30 T.G.
5:45 N.B.
6:00 C.R.
6:15 M. H.
6:30  C. K.
6:45  N.H.
7:00 K.E.
7:30 A.L.
7:45 F.W.
8:00 A.W.
8:15  M.B.

    5th graders are currently working on memorizing the 50 states via song.... as well as doing the Pledge of Allegiance in sign language.  We've only learned the first 8 states.... but they should have down the pledge.

Math - The kids are working on number operations ( math facts) geometry/measurement and problem solving. (Story problems)   Make sure they are getting those math facts down first!

Social Studies - Groups B and D are now in Social Studies.... Students will be learning about Government.

Science - Groups A and C are now in Science.  By Friday all students in ALL groups should have science term card sets 1 - 8 completed.  The next test on term cards will be on December 7th.

I have a sheet that breaks down all the term cards by set if you would like it to be able to organize the cards by set for practice.  This next test will be over sets 1 - 6.

All students now have an orange science workbook. This is to come to class with them daily.  If they lose it, they will need to buy another with their tickets.   In the books we are working on Motion and Forces....gravity, friction, speed and distance, and of course term cards.

Remember no School 11/22 and 11/23.  Unlike last year we DO have school the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run - If your young lady is interested in signing up for Girls on the Run, forms went home yesterday. They are due back November 20th (Tuesday of next week)


Christmas party will be with all 5th grades again in the Cafeteria.  We'll have the buffet again and some crafts and games for the kids to rotate between.  The date is usually the Thursday before break, which is December 20th this year.  Friday the 21st (Winter Solstice... shortest day light hours of the year for the northern hemisphere) is typically the school pajama day. That hasn't been confirmed yet however... I"ll let you know for sure as the date approaches.

Ski Trip

Forms / permission slips for the ski trip will be going out immediately following Thanksgiving break.  Look for these forms to come home. The ski trip is currently scheduled for January 18th. We'd love to have you join us! This is one of our best trips!