First! I can see the kids' mailboxes from here and judging by how
many of them forgot their mail I thought I'd email you with a Halloween
Parade tomorrow starts at 2:15. No rain, we march around the bus ramp.
Rain... we march around the inside halls.
theme tomorrow is "The 80's". Please feel free to join us in this.... I
know I still have a stone washed denim jacket that is just screaming to
be worn tomorrow!
Kids party will immediately
follow in the cafeteria. Any food or drinks you are donating will be
set up in the cafeteria during recess. The auction will begin as the
kids are eating their goodies. Any parents available to pour drinks and
spread out food are appreciated!
conference slips... I still have a chunk not back yet. If you've
emailed me we're good! If not, please get those slips back as soon as
possible. Students are allowed and encouraged to sit in on their
conferences this year. There isn't anything that I will say to you that
I haven't already told them anyway so they are more than welcome. If
however you want a conference without them that is just fine too.
test is tomorrow since we don't have school on Friday. Which reminds me
that I didn't even email the list home this week.
Spell List for this week:
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Dear Sunset Parents,
On September 2, 2014, Michigan launched OK2SAY, a new program that enables students (and others) to confidentially report potential harm or criminal activities involving students, schools, or school employees. OK2SAY’s focus is on early intervention and prevention, acting as an early warning system to thwart school tragedies before they occur. Students (and others) can submit tips 24/7 by telephone, text, email, mobile app, and via a web-based form on the OK2SAY website at
Tips can be filed on a wide range of issues, including: planned school attacks, weapons at school, assault, bullying/cyberbullying, threats, gang activity, and more. Upon receipt of a tip, specially trained OK2SAY operators will address the immediate need and, as necessary, forward the information to the appropriate responding agency or organization. Most tips are expected to go to schools and local law enforcement agencies, but in some instances, tips may go to local Community Mental Health agencies and/or the Michigan Department of Human Services.
If you have questions about the OK2SAY program, please contact the OK2SAY Program Director, Sue Sanford, at (517) 335-0855.
Thank you!
OK2SAY Program
Michigan Department of Attorney General

Call: 8-555-OK2SAY (855-565-2729)
Text: 652729 (OK2SAY)
Thursday, October 23, 2014
10/23/14 Red Ribbon Week next week!
The following is an email just received from our school counselor regarding "Red Ribbon Week"
Activities include dress up days.
Monday - Wear Red hearts, bulldog or sunset lake clothing.... the idea is to love your self enough not to do drugs
Tuesday - "Follow your dreams and don't do drugs" - Pajama day
Wednesday - "Stomp out Drugs" - Mismatched shoe day
Thursday - "Hats off to being drug free" - Hat day
Friday - NO school ... records day
I am attaching the dress up days beginning Monday, Oct. 27th for Red Ribbon Week. All teachers will receive a colored copy of the dress up days to hang in your classroom. Please start making these announcements as early as this afternoon to give notice to the students of what is to come next week! I will also be sending a note home to communicate the week’s excitement with parents.
Pat thought that the original plan of 9:05 for the first assembly would be too soon…so we are going to move the start time
to 9:10-10:00 for 3rd-5th grade and 10:10-11:00 for BK-2nd grade.
At the end of the assembly, please expect to receive some hand outs. First of all, the magician will be handing out order forms that need to be returned by the next day. This is how he can offer his services free to us! However, ordering is not required.
Please remember that the magician will be passing out order forms for students to purchase a magic wand or magic book if they would like to. Each item is only $5 and he will need the students to return the order form the very next day with $.
On your way out, you will be handed Red Ribbon pencils to hand out to every student in your classroom. This will help promote the excitement of the week and also give them an extra pencil…I’m sure that is always a plus. (Thanks Pat!)
The special teachers have graciously helped out with activities in their rooms this year, so I did not think it was necessary to ask the classroom teacher to do any extra red ribbon activity in your classroom except for help promote the dress up days and the excitement for the contest..
Beth Foster had some of her classes make beautiful posters that will be put up in the hallway starting today at 5th grade recess!
Angi is working on a red ribbon theme activity for a PE class!
Patty Heintzelman is teaching the 4th/5th grade classes a Red Ribbon song with instruments!
Thanks for all that the specials teachers are doing to help support Red Ribbon Week !
Yes, the contest…there will be a drawing on Thursday PM and the top three classrooms that are drawn (based on daily participation in dress up days) will be given a small prize to every student in the class.
Activities include dress up days.
Monday - Wear Red hearts, bulldog or sunset lake clothing.... the idea is to love your self enough not to do drugs
Tuesday - "Follow your dreams and don't do drugs" - Pajama day
Wednesday - "Stomp out Drugs" - Mismatched shoe day
Thursday - "Hats off to being drug free" - Hat day
Friday - NO school ... records day
I am attaching the dress up days beginning Monday, Oct. 27th for Red Ribbon Week. All teachers will receive a colored copy of the dress up days to hang in your classroom. Please start making these announcements as early as this afternoon to give notice to the students of what is to come next week! I will also be sending a note home to communicate the week’s excitement with parents.
Pat thought that the original plan of 9:05 for the first assembly would be too soon…so we are going to move the start time
to 9:10-10:00 for 3rd-5th grade and 10:10-11:00 for BK-2nd grade.
At the end of the assembly, please expect to receive some hand outs. First of all, the magician will be handing out order forms that need to be returned by the next day. This is how he can offer his services free to us! However, ordering is not required.
Please remember that the magician will be passing out order forms for students to purchase a magic wand or magic book if they would like to. Each item is only $5 and he will need the students to return the order form the very next day with $.
On your way out, you will be handed Red Ribbon pencils to hand out to every student in your classroom. This will help promote the excitement of the week and also give them an extra pencil…I’m sure that is always a plus. (Thanks Pat!)
The special teachers have graciously helped out with activities in their rooms this year, so I did not think it was necessary to ask the classroom teacher to do any extra red ribbon activity in your classroom except for help promote the dress up days and the excitement for the contest..
Beth Foster had some of her classes make beautiful posters that will be put up in the hallway starting today at 5th grade recess!
Angi is working on a red ribbon theme activity for a PE class!
Patty Heintzelman is teaching the 4th/5th grade classes a Red Ribbon song with instruments!
Thanks for all that the specials teachers are doing to help support Red Ribbon Week !
Yes, the contest…there will be a drawing on Thursday PM and the top three classrooms that are drawn (based on daily participation in dress up days) will be given a small prize to every student in the class.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Sadowski update 10/22/14
Our 5th grade Halloween party will immediately follow the parade on October 30th ( Remember the 31st is records day)
All 5th graders will be assembling in the cafeteria for a treat and drink buffet. Parents can bring anything that you would like to (drink or food) and are NOT required to bring enough for all 3 classes. We find that enough people bring a classroom set of something for the kids to have a lot to choose from. For example if one parent brings in a bag of chips, another will bring in 25 brownies, another 25 cookies etc. And 2 liters are easy if you just want to bring juice or a drink. Whatever you would like to donate is fine.
While the kids are munching we will have a ticket auction and they can bid on and win any of the items that we'll have available for them. We'll explain the bidding process to them, but many of them have already seen storage wars or other type auction shows and are pretty familiar with how this goes.
The Midwest region test is ALSO on this same day during switch in their social studies class.
There will be a blank map and a "key" with all the state names .. you can actually go online and google "blank midwestern states map" and print out some nice practice sheets for your student to practice.
If all states are spelled (there is a key!) correctly and labeled correctly they will earn a 3.0. If however they are able to list as many capitol and major cities (these must be spelled correct too) for those same states they can earn a 4.0 WITH an extra credit point that can be applied to any other upcoming states test that they might not do so well on.
And FINALLY.... next week is Red Ribbon week. On Monday all students will have an anti bullying assembly in which a magician will perform working anti bullying into his work.
Wednesday the 29th, all students will travel the the PAC to catch a 10:25 musical preview of the middle school play. We should return at about 11:10. Buell's class will be traveling to the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts and then to the Kalamazoo Valley Museum that day due to the fact that her room will be torn apart as the district installs new document cameras etc in her room. So there will be no "switch" that day. As Mrs. Vandermei and I find out when our installation day is going to be, we will also schedule the same field trip for our students. I'll try to give you at least a 2 week heads up in case anyone would like to chaperone this trip.
Conference forms will come home tomorrow..... The return date says Friday but I've been switching some people around last minute so as long as I have it by Tuesday of next week, that is fine.
That's it! Thanks so much!
Our 5th grade Halloween party will immediately follow the parade on October 30th ( Remember the 31st is records day)
All 5th graders will be assembling in the cafeteria for a treat and drink buffet. Parents can bring anything that you would like to (drink or food) and are NOT required to bring enough for all 3 classes. We find that enough people bring a classroom set of something for the kids to have a lot to choose from. For example if one parent brings in a bag of chips, another will bring in 25 brownies, another 25 cookies etc. And 2 liters are easy if you just want to bring juice or a drink. Whatever you would like to donate is fine.
While the kids are munching we will have a ticket auction and they can bid on and win any of the items that we'll have available for them. We'll explain the bidding process to them, but many of them have already seen storage wars or other type auction shows and are pretty familiar with how this goes.
The Midwest region test is ALSO on this same day during switch in their social studies class.
There will be a blank map and a "key" with all the state names .. you can actually go online and google "blank midwestern states map" and print out some nice practice sheets for your student to practice.
If all states are spelled (there is a key!) correctly and labeled correctly they will earn a 3.0. If however they are able to list as many capitol and major cities (these must be spelled correct too) for those same states they can earn a 4.0 WITH an extra credit point that can be applied to any other upcoming states test that they might not do so well on.
And FINALLY.... next week is Red Ribbon week. On Monday all students will have an anti bullying assembly in which a magician will perform working anti bullying into his work.
Wednesday the 29th, all students will travel the the PAC to catch a 10:25 musical preview of the middle school play. We should return at about 11:10. Buell's class will be traveling to the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts and then to the Kalamazoo Valley Museum that day due to the fact that her room will be torn apart as the district installs new document cameras etc in her room. So there will be no "switch" that day. As Mrs. Vandermei and I find out when our installation day is going to be, we will also schedule the same field trip for our students. I'll try to give you at least a 2 week heads up in case anyone would like to chaperone this trip.
Conference forms will come home tomorrow..... The return date says Friday but I've been switching some people around last minute so as long as I have it by Tuesday of next week, that is fine.
That's it! Thanks so much!
Monday, October 20, 2014
spelling list 10/20
Spelling list for this week is as follows:
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
10/1 Upcoming events
Upcoming events and other information.....
Wednesday, October 15th we will have our annual square dance in the cafeteria. Usually Mrs. Heintzleman sends out invites asking of parents would like to come and dance with their child or if they would just like to come and watch. (It's a hoot!) Kids (and parents) are welcome to dress up in western garb for the dance.
Thursday October 16th we will be going to the OEC in the afternoon. We decided to do the OEC trip in the afternoon only this year due to the large size of the group. Lunch will be eaten earlier that day and we will depart around 12:30 and return before the busses roll. Please watch the weather. Unless it is pouring, we'll be going.
This also means that if your child is allergic to bees, wasps etc, I will need to have their epi pen with me for them just in case. I pick up all meds from the office before we leave. We had quite an issue with bees last year during our fall visit... but it was also almost 80 degrees so I'm sure that played a major roll in their activity. Hopefully by going later this year the temp will be down and the bees less active!
Halloween this year will be celebrated on Thursday the 30th as we have records day on the 31st. This is also the day that they kids will have their big Midwest Region Test in Social Studies. They should already have, or should be getting these maps to study soon.
Social Studies students will also be starting a research project on Native Americans this month. Mrs. Buell will assign a tribe/cultural group to each student and they will be spending time in class and in flex lessons with Mrs. Negri learning how to do research and how to use and cite primary and secondary sources. Their final paper will be turned in for a writing grade as well as a social studies grade. More info on that should be coming to you shortly.
A.R... I'm still looking at better options for this.... but for now I'm only going to insist that they meet their 100% goal on October 30th. Whether or not they hit 25%, 50% or 75% isn't too much of an issue with me.. but those benchmarks are a good measure of how close they are getting to their final goal. For instance by now they should have at least half of their points. Considering that we've read 5 books in class together (all A.R.) and that most of their goals are set between 12 and 15 points, this is more than an achievable goal.
I also encourage kids to read non A.R. books. They can fill out a sheet in the back of my room for either fiction or non fiction and upon reviewing the sheet I will take the amount of points I think the book is worth off of their goal. There are just so many book that are fantastic but that are not on A.R.
That's all for now!
Have a great night!
Wednesday, October 15th we will have our annual square dance in the cafeteria. Usually Mrs. Heintzleman sends out invites asking of parents would like to come and dance with their child or if they would just like to come and watch. (It's a hoot!) Kids (and parents) are welcome to dress up in western garb for the dance.
Thursday October 16th we will be going to the OEC in the afternoon. We decided to do the OEC trip in the afternoon only this year due to the large size of the group. Lunch will be eaten earlier that day and we will depart around 12:30 and return before the busses roll. Please watch the weather. Unless it is pouring, we'll be going.
This also means that if your child is allergic to bees, wasps etc, I will need to have their epi pen with me for them just in case. I pick up all meds from the office before we leave. We had quite an issue with bees last year during our fall visit... but it was also almost 80 degrees so I'm sure that played a major roll in their activity. Hopefully by going later this year the temp will be down and the bees less active!
Halloween this year will be celebrated on Thursday the 30th as we have records day on the 31st. This is also the day that they kids will have their big Midwest Region Test in Social Studies. They should already have, or should be getting these maps to study soon.
Social Studies students will also be starting a research project on Native Americans this month. Mrs. Buell will assign a tribe/cultural group to each student and they will be spending time in class and in flex lessons with Mrs. Negri learning how to do research and how to use and cite primary and secondary sources. Their final paper will be turned in for a writing grade as well as a social studies grade. More info on that should be coming to you shortly.
A.R... I'm still looking at better options for this.... but for now I'm only going to insist that they meet their 100% goal on October 30th. Whether or not they hit 25%, 50% or 75% isn't too much of an issue with me.. but those benchmarks are a good measure of how close they are getting to their final goal. For instance by now they should have at least half of their points. Considering that we've read 5 books in class together (all A.R.) and that most of their goals are set between 12 and 15 points, this is more than an achievable goal.
I also encourage kids to read non A.R. books. They can fill out a sheet in the back of my room for either fiction or non fiction and upon reviewing the sheet I will take the amount of points I think the book is worth off of their goal. There are just so many book that are fantastic but that are not on A.R.
That's all for now!
Have a great night!
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