Congratulations parents! We made it through our first week!
Spelling list for this week came home with students tonight to study. We're taking a week for them to get all of our names and core values down and then we'll start on our spelling book.
Their list includes the following words:
Vander Mei Buell Sadowski Michigan Vicksburg honesty
respect caring responsibility Sunset Lake
Student council selections will begin this week. Forms will be due Monday the 21st... no exceptions!
Speeches will be on the 23rd and elections will be on Thursday the 24th.
Book Fair! The book fair will be back the last week of September on Monday - Wednesday. Our class sign up time is Tuesday the 29th from 2:15 - 2:40.
Term cards for science! You should start seeing these come home. Monday set 1 is due! There are 22 cards in this set and the kids had almost 40 minutes to work on them today in if they say they didn't have time they probably were just talking more than working!
Cards come in a packet. The first page of each packet are the terms and they are to glue one word on a separate blank card. After all the words are on separate cards, they need to find the matching definition in the packet and glue that on the opposite side.
They should all have a glue stick but tape is also fine. Make sure they secure the edges so that when they shuffle the cards for practice the titles or definitions don't come loose.
There are 8 packets total but set one is the biggest. These are terms that they HAVE to know before they go to middle school next year. The term card test over sets 1 - 4 will be Friday September 25th. they should be studying these for 10 - 15 minutes each night.
We have a high school intern named Olivia Holmes. Olivia was my student in 2008/2009 and is spending her afternoons with us this year to determine if she wants to be a teacher. She told the kids today to hold onto their term cards into high school as she still used them .
Thanks so much for a great first week!
Tiffany Sadowski
Friday, September 11, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Sadowski update 5/26/15
We have an extremely busy week this week!
Tomorrow our class walks to generous hands for pack backpacks as a part of our "community service" for the year. We're going to leave right after recess at 1:30 and return at 3:15
Thursday is the final systems and survival test. Tomorrow we will play jeopardy to review and the test will be given in my room later Thursday afternoon as we are not switching that day.
Thursday we also walk to the district library at 11;00 to hear about the summer reading program. We should be back by noon. From noon until the end of the day I will have a substitute as I administer their final dibels (reading fluency) test for the year.
Friday graduation is at 9:00...... for lunch we are having pizza brought to us by the fair housing committee for the kid's participation in the fair housing poster contest this year.
After recess at 2:00 we're splitting up the boys and girls and doing human growth. Boys will meet with the gym teacher from Tobey... girls will be with their own classroom teacher.
Tuesday June 2nd is track and field day! Be sure to join us on this fun filled day!
Tiffany Sadowski
Monday, May 18, 2015
Sadowski update 5/18/15
Sorry for delays in sending updates...Been pretty hectic around here lately!
This Friday is our annual Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery Field trip. A flyer is coming home today with things your child needs.. Mrs Vandermei says she sent out an electronic copy earlier last week. We will leave sunset at 9:00. If you are driving your child I need your signed liability waiver that went home last week. As of this email I only have four.
If you would like to meet us at Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery we should arrive by 9:45. As long as I have your liability waiver I'll automatically count your child as present without them having to show up here first. If however they do get sick the day of the trip (it's happened!) just call em and let me know to mark them absent.
Friday May 29th is 5th grade graduation. We start at around 9:10 by the time we get attendance taken, but I would advise being here no later than 9:00. Sometimes its standing room only if you are not a bit early.
Following graduation we ask that you meet your child outside the music room door for pictures. We hang outside for about 10 minutes then back inside for school as usual. With our curriculum being so packed we teach content right up until the last two days of school.
If it rains we'll meet inside the cafeteria.
That same afternoon following recess we will teach human growth and development. Girls and boys will be split. In years past I taught the girls, but last year each 5th grade teacher taught their own girls as Mrs Buell and Mrs. Vandermei received their training last year. I would assume that will be the same this year.
If you do NOT want your child to participate in the human growth lesson you are welcome to come and get them. I do have the DVD available for you to watch if you would like tp preview it.
Know though that this lesson does not cover reproduction at all... it is merely changes in their bodies and growing up. I do recommend however that if you haven't already had "the talk" that you do so sometime this summer. If they don't hear it from you, they WILL hear it next year. I am continually astounded by how many kids become sexually active starting in 6th and 7th grade.
Spelling list for this week is synonyms (words that mean the same thing) and antonyms (words that are the opposite of each other in meaning)
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Sadowski update 4/29/15
Congratulations! Your kids did amazing on the M-step! 14 total hours on their rear ends and not one complaint! I'm so proud of how each of them tried their best!
During the M -step the kids filled up their reward marble jar. They also got to 100% of their reading goal before any of the other classes and earned a pizza party. This will take place tomorrow afternoon. I'll go pick up the pizza's during lunch recess.....I'll keep them in a hot bag so that they stay warm and then after our last switch (math, science, social studies) we'll have our reward and relax! This will occur at 2:30.
Kids will be allowed to bring pillows (though I personally now have 23 pillows) or blankets to relax on .... they can bring electronic devices and we'll start a movie... With an hour we won't get through it all but we can pick it up again later before the end of the year. I also have cups, plates and 2 liters so I don't think we're going to need any additional food for this reward.
Friday is a BUSY busy day! We'll start off the day with the spelling test.. then we'll go to the 2nd grade economics sale. Items at the economic sale range from 25 cents to $1.00 with most items being .25 or .50. Kids can buy whatever they wish, however I do not allow the consumption of mountain due, surge or other energy drinks during the school day. If they buy them, they'll have to wait until they get home. I also will only allow two treats from the sale to be eaten before lunch. Otherwise I'll be peeling them off the ceiling due to sugar highs.
We will eat an early lunch on Friday. Kids will get their lunches at 11:10 and we're going to try to eat and get on the busses to go to the Rock and Mineral show by 11:30. We should arrive by noon... which will give us a full hour ( 12- 1:00 p.m.) we'll get back on the busses by 1:15 to head back to Sunset Lake for the Walk- a-thon at 2:00. So their day is action packed from beginning to end!
On Monday May 4th the kids will have the opportunity to try out instruments to decide whether or not they want to participate in band next year. They will usually bring a slip of paper that lists what instrument they "got". Know that this instrument is merely a recommendation, and is not the only choice your child has for instruments if they should choose to be in band. I recall that they told me that I should play the clarinet. Well.... I wanted to play trumpet... not a clarinet. Whatever your child wants to play they will WANT to practice more and will usually do better on. The recommendation is merely a way to try to ensure that sixth grade band teachers don't have 50 of one instrument and nothing of another for the upcoming year.
For students that choose band, you will have the option of renting to own your child's instrument. This is a good way to go if your student isn't sure that they will stick with band more than a year. All you owe is the fees for one year of rental. Know however, that ebay is LOADED with instruments at rediculously low prices. I can't even sell my trumpet online because I refuse to sell it for the low price they are going for right now. Most sellers have a return policy and money back guarantee. You can take it to Marshall Music over behind the mall when you get it to have it checked out if you think something might be amiss and then return it if necessary. Everyone I know that has purchased an instrument in the past few years via ebay has been very happy with both the price and the quality. Something to consider to save some extra $!
Friday May 8th, all 5th graders will be going to the outdoor education center for the afternoon. I will make sure I pack and Epi pen just in case we have any reactions with bee stings etc. We will be back by the time the busses roll.
Friday May 22nd is the final field trip of the year to the Wolf Lake fish Hatchery and to South Haven beach. This is an amazingly fun trip! We only have one bus signed out to go as many of you stated that you wanted to drive your own child. I will be sending home a form this week for you to sign stating that you are driving your own student.
5th grade graduation is on May 29th at 9:00.
Can't believe we're already in the last month of school! Where did the time go?
Spelling list for this week is as follows:
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
If your kiddos like to play outside start checking them for ticks! (already? I know!)
Was out last night walking the property and came in with a tick on my wrist cuff and three on my pants leg... and I wasn't even in tall grass!
And I'm not the kind of person that believes most things that are put on-line before investigating myself... but there is a link floating around about a new tick disease that makes you really sick not long after being bitten.... A few were news 3 links so please be aware! Have your kids check themselves closely when they come in... and check their hairlines and scalps in the morning... if they've been missed that's where they usually cling overnight.
And with those creepy crawly thoughts firmly affixed in your brain... have a great day!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Sadowski update 4/13/15
thank you so much for all the emails and messages regarding the loss of Bear.
They have meant a lot!
2nd... Celebration of the Arts is coming... see the following from Patty Heintzleman below:
Plan to attend the VCS Celebration of the Arts on Tuesday, April 21!
Here is the info :
The VCS Fine Arts Department celebrates the arts
with an evening of music, drama, dance, film and
visual art. This event features artwork by all grade
levels displayed throughout the high school, a film/
video showcase and dance presentation in the PAC
and will culminate in a collage concert, performed in
the gymnasium, featuring all performing ensembles in
the district.
Artwork by all grade levels 5:30 Lower level of the HS
Film/Video showcase 6-6:30 in the Auditorium
Dance presentation 5:30-6pm in the Auditorium
Collage concert featuring all perfomers 7pm in the HS gym
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Free Admission
3rd... Spring Picture day is this Thursday, April 16th. Since 5th graders are M-step testing in the morning their pictures will be in the afternoon.
4th..... The art teacher has requested the following materials for an upcoming project:
Any object that is highly detailed and can fit in a zip lock bag. Things needed are things that can leave an impression in clay. action figures, little army people, critters, coins with nice raised surfaces etc. Non fragile, non breakable items only. Fabric with raised patterns can work too.
Students will bring the items home after they use them and clean them back off. A flyer is coming home in their mailboxes today.
5th Spell list this week:
this week we will be getting a shipment of tree frogs and hermit crabs to our
The purpose of these critters is to mimic scientists who conduct "field work" when studying an animal species for research into their behaviors, instincts, etc.
At the end of our unit, I will have four tree frogs, and four hermit crabs available for adoption.
The kids will learn all about what each animal needs as far as habitats and cages go.... I will also provide a detailed list of needs for each.
Frogs will need a container that allows for dirt or peat moss and some green leaves plus a little water dish. They will require small crickets... not the big ones. Most bait stores have them for $1.00 a dozen. MV pets on westnedge has them 10 for $1.00. 10 crickets will last one frog about two weeks. Meal worms really don't move around enough to trigger their prey drive so unless you can locate some unusually wiggly ones I'd stick with crickets.
Hermit crabs are much easier. Sand in the bottom of a container with a water dish they can crawl in and out of and a container of food and their good to go. They are highly social... and do better with a buddy. You can usually buy another one for $5.00 at pet supplies plus. They also need another shell larger than what they are wearing as when they grow they change shells. These are usually .25.
In order to be considered for a crab OR a frog (one or the other, not both) I need a note from you that states your child's name.... what species they want and that you will provide a home for it until it dies or you pawn it off on someone else who will keep it until it dies. Tree frogs are non native species and cannot be released. Better yet, if your child really wants one, let THEM write the note and you sign it! lol! Scrap paper is fine.
To keep it fair for everyone, signed notes only please..... no emails. As I get the notes I will number them. The first four notes for frogs get a frog. The first four notes for crabs get a crab. I will take 10 notes for each though... as I have had it happen before that when I get ready to send them home in May the first 4 kids have changed their minds.
Also know that we sometimes have a frog or a crab die. If your child is number 4 and their species dies, they won't get one.
I also have available RIGHT NOW guppies. They don't need a big tank... they don't even need a filter. They're hardy little suckers and tend to reproduce quickly... but they usually eat their own kids so no worries there. These are left over from the 4th grade unit.
That's it. Email, call or text if you have any questions.
269-321-1530 (school)
269-501-3969 (cell)
2nd... Celebration of the Arts is coming... see the following from Patty Heintzleman below:
Plan to attend the VCS Celebration of the Arts on Tuesday, April 21!
Here is the info :
The VCS Fine Arts Department celebrates the arts
with an evening of music, drama, dance, film and
visual art. This event features artwork by all grade
levels displayed throughout the high school, a film/
video showcase and dance presentation in the PAC
and will culminate in a collage concert, performed in
the gymnasium, featuring all performing ensembles in
the district.
Artwork by all grade levels 5:30 Lower level of the HS
Film/Video showcase 6-6:30 in the Auditorium
Dance presentation 5:30-6pm in the Auditorium
Collage concert featuring all perfomers 7pm in the HS gym
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Free Admission
3rd... Spring Picture day is this Thursday, April 16th. Since 5th graders are M-step testing in the morning their pictures will be in the afternoon.
4th..... The art teacher has requested the following materials for an upcoming project:
Any object that is highly detailed and can fit in a zip lock bag. Things needed are things that can leave an impression in clay. action figures, little army people, critters, coins with nice raised surfaces etc. Non fragile, non breakable items only. Fabric with raised patterns can work too.
Students will bring the items home after they use them and clean them back off. A flyer is coming home in their mailboxes today.
5th Spell list this week:
The purpose of these critters is to mimic scientists who conduct "field work" when studying an animal species for research into their behaviors, instincts, etc.
At the end of our unit, I will have four tree frogs, and four hermit crabs available for adoption.
The kids will learn all about what each animal needs as far as habitats and cages go.... I will also provide a detailed list of needs for each.
Frogs will need a container that allows for dirt or peat moss and some green leaves plus a little water dish. They will require small crickets... not the big ones. Most bait stores have them for $1.00 a dozen. MV pets on westnedge has them 10 for $1.00. 10 crickets will last one frog about two weeks. Meal worms really don't move around enough to trigger their prey drive so unless you can locate some unusually wiggly ones I'd stick with crickets.
Hermit crabs are much easier. Sand in the bottom of a container with a water dish they can crawl in and out of and a container of food and their good to go. They are highly social... and do better with a buddy. You can usually buy another one for $5.00 at pet supplies plus. They also need another shell larger than what they are wearing as when they grow they change shells. These are usually .25.
In order to be considered for a crab OR a frog (one or the other, not both) I need a note from you that states your child's name.... what species they want and that you will provide a home for it until it dies or you pawn it off on someone else who will keep it until it dies. Tree frogs are non native species and cannot be released. Better yet, if your child really wants one, let THEM write the note and you sign it! lol! Scrap paper is fine.
To keep it fair for everyone, signed notes only please..... no emails. As I get the notes I will number them. The first four notes for frogs get a frog. The first four notes for crabs get a crab. I will take 10 notes for each though... as I have had it happen before that when I get ready to send them home in May the first 4 kids have changed their minds.
Also know that we sometimes have a frog or a crab die. If your child is number 4 and their species dies, they won't get one.
I also have available RIGHT NOW guppies. They don't need a big tank... they don't even need a filter. They're hardy little suckers and tend to reproduce quickly... but they usually eat their own kids so no worries there. These are left over from the 4th grade unit.
That's it. Email, call or text if you have any questions.
269-321-1530 (school)
269-501-3969 (cell)
Monday, March 16, 2015
sadowski update 3/16/15
Happy warm Monday!
Lots going on this week.
Tuesday 1:20 - 1:40 is our book fair slot. Kids that have money can shop... kids without money can still shop and look at the available items.
Tuesday 6:30 - 8:00 Literacy night at Sunset Lake Elementary! Come and join us for the book fair, reading and A.R. testing and other book related activities!
M-STEP testing. The M-Step has replaced the M.E.A.P. And if your kiddos thought that the meap stood for Mean Evil Annoying Paper, I can't imagine what they're going to call the M-Step because this test is SO difficult! Unlike the MEAP that we weren't allowed to look at, The M-Step has lessons that we are required to teach specifically for the test. The kids then have to use the information we give them, (no prior knowledge allowed) to complete the tasks on the test. The amount of information they are expecting these kids to reference, pull items from etc. is enough to make MY head spin so I'm seriously worried about their mental health during this testing period.
Testing starts the Tuesday we come back from spring break. The kids will have one test a week for the next three weeks. Writing, Math and Social Studies. Due to the fact that a lesson has to be taught prior to them testing PLEASE make sure they don't have any dentist , doctor or other appts. from 9 - 12:30 for those three weeks. We really need them here!
Please also make sure that during this time they are well rested and that they are having some sort of breakfast in the morning.
April 2nd is records day.... No school for students that day.
spelling list for this week..... s, es, and ies endings.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Upcoming Objects in the Sky Test
The Objects in the Sky final test is this Friday, March 13th. Students have in their folders everything that they need to study for this test. Materials they should have are:
A moon cootie catcher
A seasons cootie catcher
A moon phase book
Their orange science book.... they especially need to study the venn diagram on the eclipses.
3 warm up sheets of questions from the last 3 weeks.
Students will need to know the following:
1. How the tilt of the earth affects the number of daylight hours in the northern and southern hemispheres.
2. How the tilt of the earth affects the transition of the seasons..... not the distance of the earth to the sun. (The earth's orbit is an elliptical....but it’s actually physically closer in its orbit to the sun during the winter.... not the summer)
The two MAIN reasons we have seasons is due to the tilt of the earth and the angle of the suns rays shining directly or indirectly on the earth.
3. The gradual decrease in daylight hours is what causes animals to migrate, grow longer fur or change fur/feather color for the upcoming winter....not gradually cooling temperatures. Decreases in daylight hours also triggers the mating season of many species. (for example white tailed deer)
4. Increases in daylight hours cause animals to shed their winter coats and change into their summer coats. Increases in daylight hours also triggers the return migration of our summer birds.
5. June 21st and December 21st are both Solstice dates, signaling the shortest and longest daylight hours for the year when the earth is tilted as far on its axis toward or away from the sun that it’s going to get for the rest of the year.
6. June 21st has the longest daylight hours for the northern hemisphere. The farther north you go, the longer the daylight hours. For example, on June 21st, Fairbanks Alaska experiences 21 hours and 49 minutes of daylight. The sun doesn't set until 11:47 p.m.and rises at 1:58 a.m. And even with the sunset, it doesn't get truly dark during the month of May, June, and July... the sun just briefly hides behind the tallest mountains and night is more like a light dusk or dawn. After June 21st, daylight hours begin to get shorter.
7. December 21st has the shortest daylight hours for the northern hemisphere. The farther north you live, the longer you have darkness as you approach December 21st. Fairbanks has approx 3 hours and 43 minutes of daylight... sunrise is at 11:00 a.m... and sunset is at 2:40 around December 21st.
8. While we are having winter, the southern hemisphere is experiencing summer and vice versa
9. Equatorial zones typically have fairly constant temperatures and very few changes in daylight hours as the equator gets the most direct rays of the sun. In other words they don’t experience many seasonal changes.
10. March 21st and September 21st are both Equinox dates. The word "Equinox" means "equal" There is typically the same amount of daylight and darkness on these two days.
11. The two solstice dates are 6 months apart. The two equinox dates are also 6 months apart.
12. Moon cycles. They began these last year in 4th grade. In addition to being able to identify the different phases of the moon they will also learn the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse and be able to tell how each is also similar.
13. The main source of light and heat in our solar system is our Sun. Our sun is a star but we still call it the sun.
14. The rotation of the earth causes day and night.
15. The Orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year.
16. Students should be able to explain through drawing the moon, earth and sun, when the moon is in its "full " stage, New moon stage, 1st quarter stage, and last quarter stage.
17. The moon cycle takes approximately 28 days. (Some scientists say 27.3... some say 29.5... some say 28.5... we use the 28 as the average of all of these.
18. The apparent motion of the sun across the sky is due to the rotation of the earth on it's axis. The earth turns toward and then away from the sun each day giving the sun the appearance that it is moving across our sky.
19. The rise and fall of ocean tides is caused by the moon's gravitational pull as it orbits the earth. Tides are highest during a New moon due to the combined gravitational pull of the moon and sun.
20. If you have a full moon tonight, it will be 28 days until the next full moon. If you have a 1st quarter moon tonight, it will be 28 days until the next 1st quarter moon. The same is true of all the other phases... whatever phase you see, it will be 28 days until you see that same phase again.
21. The Earth is different from other planets in our solar system in that it is the only planet that has oceans and lakes made up of water (H2O)
22. Students will need to be able to list 2 things that they know about a lunar eclipse, 2 things that they know about a Solar eclipse, and one thing that both eclipses have in common.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Sadowski update 2/11/15
Tuesday February 17th the 4th and 5th graders will have their performance at the High school auditorium.
Students are asked to wear black or dark pants. Girls wearing skirts are asked to wear leggings under their skirts due to the fact that they're going to be moving about on the stage quite a bit, and the entire lower section looks "up" from a vantage point below the stage.
Shirts can be any color of the rainbow... red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and lilac.
Mrs. Heinzleman has asked that they wear dress shoes if they have them. Again if they're growing so fast its hard enough to keep them in tennis shoes let alone dress shoes, whatever they have is fine.
Students need to be in the music room between 6:30 and 6:45 for a last minute mini rehearsal. The program will begin at 7:00
During the school day on the 17th all the 5th grade teachers are being pulled out for round #2 of Dibels training. Dawn Phelps will be my sub. I have full confidence that the kids will be awesome as usual.
Spell list for this week is as follows:
Thanks so much!
Monday, February 9, 2015
owl call listening opportunity
Owl Call listening opportunity this Wednesday night at Binder Park zoo.. This is a free event.
See information below:
Owl lovers, bird watchers and everyone else is invited to the February Battle Creek Brigham Audubon program featuring a night hike through Binder Park Zoo in search of owls.This is free community event will take place Wednesday, Feb. 11, at 7 p.m. at Binder Park Zoo.
A night hike offers an opportunity to hear all sorts of intriguing animals, especially owls. Participants should dress for cold weather but should not bring flashlights. The walk will be on flat terrain.
Leading the night hike will be Barry County residents Josh and Kara Haas. Josh Haas is the president of Battle Creek Brigham Audubon. He is known for his bird photography and co-owns Glances at Nature Photography where he and his father sell their work, provide lessons and workshops and lead trips around the Midwest. He has years of experience caring for and handling birds of prey as well as giving bird lectures and leading trips for local nature centers.Kara Haas is the science education and outreach coordinator for the Kellogg Biological Station. She has a bachelor of science degree in biology from Hope College and master’s in early childhood education from Western Michigan University. She oversees community outreach at KBS and coordinates teacher professional development. Kara is an avid birder and enjoys traveling and spending time with her family. She is also the treasurer for Battle Creek Brigham Audubon. “Seeing and hearing the excitement in people when owls come in or call nearby is something both Kara and I love to experience,” said Josh. “Leading outdoor programs and getting people outdoors to enjoy all of Michigan’s seasons is our passion.
”This family program is open to everyone and provides an opportunity to hear various owl species, such as the Eastern screech owl, barred owl or even the powerful great horned owl.
A short Battle Creek Brigham Audubon business meeting will begin at 7 with the night hike starting at 7:15 p.m. The meeting will begin in the Cross Administration Building (Binder Park Zoo office).For more information about the zoo, call 269-979-1351 or visit learn more about Battle Creek Brigham Audubon, check or email
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Sadowski update 1/27/15
Math night! Tomorrow night at the performing arts center! (High school auditorium) An instant alert should have gone home about this today.
Conferences! They start this Thursday. The conference schedule is the same as last semester... though I haven't received all conference notes back yet.
Thursday January 29th Tuesday February 3rd
4:30 Karyna L.
4:45 Kayla L. Tyson H.
5:00 Kyler D. Gunnar L.
5:15 Norah P.
5:30 Alexis P. Maddox P.
5:45 MacKenzie L.
6:00 Maya P. Connor B.
6:15 Annalee H.
6:30 Lennon L. Kayla M.
6:45 Chloe B. Caleb J.
7:00 Jacob W.
7:15 Benjamin P. William C.
7:30 Brendan O.
If you don't see your name on this list, it is due to the fact that I had after school conferences with you last marking period. I just sent out an email to you personally to get that time scheduled.
Spelling for this week is as follows:
Thanks so much!
Friday, January 23, 2015
End of the Year Field Trips
Mark your calendars! We FINALLY have the dates for our two end of the year field trips.
The first is to the Kalamazoo Rock and Mineral Show at the Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds on May 1st.
May 1st is also the same day as the Economics Sale AND the Walk-a-Thon.... so it will be a VERY busy day!
We will plan on boarding the bus and leaving for the fairgrounds at 11:30... which means we will plan on eating lunch that day at 11:00. Any student who gets a school lunch will get their school lunch early that day.
We'll stay at the Rock and mineral show a little over an hour. We'd like to be on the bus and ready to go by 1:30 so that we can get back for the Walk a Thon at 2:00.
What is the Rock and mineral show? It's AWESOME! The show features table after table of dealers selling precious and semi precious raw stones, polished stones, jewelry, fossils, and just about every specimen you can think of that has to do with gems, rocks or minerals. There is a geode area where kids can buy geodes for $2 - $10.00 and have them cracked open right there. There is a "Mine Car" area where they kids can pay $1.00 to send a car into a mine.... when the car comes out they can use and old fashioned sifter to separate their gems from the sand. This is a favorite!
Ladies! If you like your gemstones, there is no better place to buy them! They are all hand cut, and just as beautiful as the jewelry stores, WITHOUT the jewelry store prices. Stones are sold by current market Carat weight, not on how much the rent and overhead for the store is! Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies, Citrine, Peridot, Garnets.... you name it... it is here!
The Show goes through Sunday. Typically some of the dealers leave portions of their tables covered up as when some of the other rowdier schools go through they've had things come up missing due to theft.... so if you go back on the weekend there is not only much more available to see, but tons more activities that are child centered to do.
If possible, we would LOVE to take only one bus. That would mean that like the ski trip, kids would be allowed to ride to and from the show with their parent or parents as long as you fill out a liability release slip. If we have to take a second bus, we will, its just crazy expensive to take two busses. I would much rather use that money to buy activity tickets for the kids so that they can do at least one fun activity at the show free!
I'd like to get a rough count BEFORE I fill out the bus slip. If you would like to drive your child to and from the show, zip me an email or a text before Friday January 30th. Email me at or text me at 269-501-3969. If you text, please tell me who you are when you say "yay" or "nay" to driving your own child to the Rock and Mineral show.
More details on the show itself will be sent as the show gets closer.
NEXT.... The end of the year trip to Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery and South Haven will be Friday, May 22nd. I know that is the weekend before Memorial Day... but it was either that or May 8th. May 8th is just typically too early, too chilly or too stormy to be enjoyable so we went with the 22nd.
Due to the abundance of parents that attend THIS trip we only take one bus. This "drive your child" option was on the permission slip at the beginning of the year and we already know that we will only need one bus for this trip. We will send home the official release forms as May approaches. More details about the trip will be sent as this trip gets closer.
Thanks so much!
Tiffany Sadowski
Monday, January 19, 2015
Sadowski update 1/19/15
I talked about math frustration a bit with a few of you at conferences. The math night has finally been planned for January 28th from 6 - 7:00 p.m. There is a letter going home tomorrow that states :
"Superintendent Glaes will begin the even with opening remarks which will be followed by Danielle Seabold, the KRESA math consultant. Ms. Seabold will discuss the Common Core State Standards and share ways in that parents can support their children in math. Following her presentation, parents will be encouraged to attend grade level breakout sessions (mini lessons) to learn more about your child's math instruction in the classroom".
There is a form at the bottom of the letter that is due back to me by this Thursday (since we don't have school on Friday) so they can get a count of how many to expect.
Also on Thursday..,.before holiday break the kids filled their reward marble jar..... with three snow days in a row one week and a ski trip the next Friday we just haven't had the time!
So! this Thursday afternoon the kids can bring in blankets to lay on, electronic and non electronic games to play. Some of the kids have volunteered to bring in a particular snack or beverage... they wrote letters today informing you of this. If you cannot donate at this time no worries! We also have a birthday treat coming in that day that should more than make up for what didn't come in!
Owl pellet dissection was today and will continue tomorrow. Rest assured everything they are dissecting has been thoroughly sterilized by the company and again by me! Kind of a cool side note... the company I order from when I don't have enough of my own from my box is from a rehab facility on the coast of California. One of our pellets that we dissected today was full of mini crab claws! Nice to know that in California even the owls are eating well!
Spelling list is as follows.. the test will be Thursday morning due to no school on Friday...
Thanks and have a great week!
Thursday, January 15, 2015
3rd marking period science extensions
Forces and Motion tests are finally done! We had quite a few who were absent before break and I wanted them to take the test before I passed back the results. You will get an email next week letting you know if your child has to retake the test or not.
Owl boxes!
I sent home a packet today the details and explains how to build several different kinds of owl boxes. Students who wish to "go above and beyond" for their science grade for the upcoming marking period (meaning they can earn a "4.0" instead of a " 3" ) can choose and build the box of their choice with their parent(s) and then hang it up for owls to inhabit. The front page details all the reasons as to WHY we build owl boxes, where to hang, them, how to hang them etc.
I did this project for the first time last year and had so many parents ask me to do it again this year that we're doing it again! Owl boxes are due March 20th... but they or pictures of the box can be turned in anytime after the 3rd marking period starts. I can provide a list of place to hang them if you are not able to hang them in your neighborhood.
I also sent an "owl sound hunt" packet home. For those that don't want to undertake building a box, this project gives specific directions on how to identify the different kinds of owls in Michigan as well as locations for you and your student to go to listen for owls in the night! Directions are on the front of the packet. C.D's with owl calls on them will be available on Monday. I need them back after you download them so that I can keep passing them out to other students who are working on the same project.
The great horned owl's breeding season starts in February... and I've already heard our pair at the back of our property calling back and forth at night. Barred owls breeding season starts mid February to mid March.
Thanks so much!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
ski trip info 2015
Happy New Year!
Kids are doing their best to get back into the groove with all the snow days we've had!
Our 5th grade ski trip is THIS Friday January 16th. Weather is supposed to be warmer and not so bitter cold but the kids still need to bring layers to wear. We recommend an extra pair of socks as sometimes rental boots are a bit damp inside and damp feet = cold feet!
Parents who are skiing with their students and who have kids that have skied before that they can vouch for can leave to ski on their own as soon as instructions are given to the whole group. This is easiest if you have your own skis.... if not once you have your rental skis and boots you can go.
All other parents and children who have not skied before will be divided up and given lessons with instructors. Any students who has not skied before or who has skied only a couple of times MUST have a lesson.
Friday, students will meet in the gym so that I can take their attendance. Students can then either ride the bus with their friends or ride up to Timber ridge with their parents. On the way UP friends of students must ride the bus for liability reasons, but on the way home it is permissible for another student to go home with another parent as long as a form has been filled out turned in to us BEFORE the ski trip giving that child permission from their parent to do so.
Kids will get their lift tickets in the gym. Parents will get their lift tickets at Timber Ridge as they only give us enough for our kids until we hand over a check at the resort. If you filled out your forms and turned in $, we have a record of who turned in what and will bring all of that with us.
Snowboards..... If your student has an APPROVED snowboard with metal edging and have snowboarded successfully at least 10 times they can snowboard. If they however have just received the snowboard recently and are still learning we prefer that if you as their parent are not going to be on this trip that they get skis and learn to ski with everyone else.
Students who have snowboards but no boots... .I'm not sure how this works as I don't and have never snowboarded..... so I don't know if their boots are compatible with commercial bindings? or do snowboarders not have bindings? If you have this dilemma, please call Timber Ridge yourself before Friday and find out!
Any student who has their own equipment must have it transported by an independent vehicle... there isn't any room on the bus for equipment.
There is a large, heated glassed eating area for parents who are not skiing to sit and watch the shenanigans of the lessons. Bring a camera.... even though the bunny hill has very little slope to it, there are visually alot of little bodies laying in the snow at once for the first part of the day!
Students will be required to check in with teachers (Mrs. Vandermei who is not skiing) twice during the day. Once during lunch, and another time during our 15 minute mid afternoon break. An announcement will let students know about the mid afternoon break. Lunch is immediately following lessons. Have the kids eat a good breakfast... there is no time for snack and the span from until they actually get lunch is long.
Upon arriving at Timber Ridge, we have all students take all their lunches, bags and things that they don't need to ski upstairs to the viewing/cafeteria area. We try to snag the tables closest to the windows as sometimes other school groups are there, so if you get their first, grab and hold them with your stuff for us!
Kids will then go back downstairs and find a seat in the rental room to listen to instructions. Parents are then asked to help get the kids into their boots before they put on their own. It just helps everyone to have a better day when we get them suited up and out first!
We recommend that if students are bringing a lunch that they pack more food than they will usually eat. Bodies that are moving all day and out in the cold trying to stay warm burn through a lot more calories and they eat more than normal.
Parents who are skiing with their children and taking their children home do not have to turn in their skis at the end of the day when the rest of the Sunsetters are called in. Passes are usually not good for the evening ski but most of the time the lift operators really don't pay too much attention.
We try to plan on having the kids back by 5:30 but in the last two years delayed busses returning to pick us up at Timber Ridge have caused us to not get home until almost 5:45. Please do NOT sit in the car and wait for your child to come out to you.... we have to visually see that you are there picking them up rather than just sending them out to a car.
The kids will be briefed on gear that they need to bring (extra socks, gloves, hats, etc) as well as how they day will go, how to put on skis etc on Thursday afternoon following recess.
I think that's everything.. if I missed something call or text me 501-3969. I apologize in advance for typos... no time to proofread!
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