Congratulations! Your kids did amazing on the M-step! 14 total hours on their rear ends and not one complaint! I'm so proud of how each of them tried their best!
During the M -step the kids filled up their reward marble jar. They also got to 100% of their reading goal before any of the other classes and earned a pizza party. This will take place tomorrow afternoon. I'll go pick up the pizza's during lunch recess.....I'll keep them in a hot bag so that they stay warm and then after our last switch (math, science, social studies) we'll have our reward and relax! This will occur at 2:30.
Kids will be allowed to bring pillows (though I personally now have 23 pillows) or blankets to relax on .... they can bring electronic devices and we'll start a movie... With an hour we won't get through it all but we can pick it up again later before the end of the year. I also have cups, plates and 2 liters so I don't think we're going to need any additional food for this reward.
Friday is a BUSY busy day! We'll start off the day with the spelling test.. then we'll go to the 2nd grade economics sale. Items at the economic sale range from 25 cents to $1.00 with most items being .25 or .50. Kids can buy whatever they wish, however I do not allow the consumption of mountain due, surge or other energy drinks during the school day. If they buy them, they'll have to wait until they get home. I also will only allow two treats from the sale to be eaten before lunch. Otherwise I'll be peeling them off the ceiling due to sugar highs.
We will eat an early lunch on Friday. Kids will get their lunches at 11:10 and we're going to try to eat and get on the busses to go to the Rock and Mineral show by 11:30. We should arrive by noon... which will give us a full hour ( 12- 1:00 p.m.) we'll get back on the busses by 1:15 to head back to Sunset Lake for the Walk- a-thon at 2:00. So their day is action packed from beginning to end!
On Monday May 4th the kids will have the opportunity to try out instruments to decide whether or not they want to participate in band next year. They will usually bring a slip of paper that lists what instrument they "got". Know that this instrument is merely a recommendation, and is not the only choice your child has for instruments if they should choose to be in band. I recall that they told me that I should play the clarinet. Well.... I wanted to play trumpet... not a clarinet. Whatever your child wants to play they will WANT to practice more and will usually do better on. The recommendation is merely a way to try to ensure that sixth grade band teachers don't have 50 of one instrument and nothing of another for the upcoming year.
For students that choose band, you will have the option of renting to own your child's instrument. This is a good way to go if your student isn't sure that they will stick with band more than a year. All you owe is the fees for one year of rental. Know however, that ebay is LOADED with instruments at rediculously low prices. I can't even sell my trumpet online because I refuse to sell it for the low price they are going for right now. Most sellers have a return policy and money back guarantee. You can take it to Marshall Music over behind the mall when you get it to have it checked out if you think something might be amiss and then return it if necessary. Everyone I know that has purchased an instrument in the past few years via ebay has been very happy with both the price and the quality. Something to consider to save some extra $!
Friday May 8th, all 5th graders will be going to the outdoor education center for the afternoon. I will make sure I pack and Epi pen just in case we have any reactions with bee stings etc. We will be back by the time the busses roll.
Friday May 22nd is the final field trip of the year to the Wolf Lake fish Hatchery and to South Haven beach. This is an amazingly fun trip! We only have one bus signed out to go as many of you stated that you wanted to drive your own child. I will be sending home a form this week for you to sign stating that you are driving your own student.
5th grade graduation is on May 29th at 9:00.
Can't believe we're already in the last month of school! Where did the time go?
Spelling list for this week is as follows: