Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sadowski update 5/26/15

We have an extremely busy week this week!

Tomorrow our class walks to generous hands for pack backpacks as a part of our "community service" for the year. We're going to leave right after recess at 1:30 and return at 3:15

Thursday is the final systems and survival test.  Tomorrow we will play jeopardy to review and the test will be given in my room later Thursday afternoon as we are not switching that day.
Thursday we also walk to the district library at 11;00 to hear about the summer reading program. We should be back by noon.  From noon until the end of the day I will have a substitute as I administer their final dibels (reading fluency) test for the year.

Friday graduation is at 9:00......  for lunch we are having pizza brought to us by the fair housing committee for the kid's participation in the fair housing poster contest this year.

After recess at 2:00 we're splitting up the boys and girls and doing human growth.  Boys will meet with the gym teacher from Tobey... girls will be with their own classroom teacher.

Tuesday June 2nd is track and field day!   Be sure to join us on this fun filled day!


Tiffany Sadowski

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sadowski update 5/18/15

 Sorry for delays in sending updates...Been pretty hectic around here lately!

This Friday is our annual Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery Field trip. A flyer is coming home today with things your child needs.. Mrs Vandermei says she sent out an electronic copy earlier last week. We will leave sunset at 9:00. If you are driving your child I need your signed liability waiver that went home last week. As of this email I only have four.

   If you would like to meet us at Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery we should arrive by 9:45. As long as I have your liability waiver I'll automatically count your child as present without them having to show up here first. If however they do get sick the day of the trip (it's happened!) just call em and let me know to mark them absent.

Friday May 29th is 5th grade graduation. We start at around 9:10 by the time we get attendance taken, but I would advise being here no later than 9:00. Sometimes its standing room only if you are not a bit early.

Following graduation we ask that you meet your child outside the music room door for pictures.  We hang outside for about 10 minutes then back inside for school as usual. With our curriculum being so packed we teach content right up until the last two days of school.  
  If it rains we'll meet inside the cafeteria.  

That same afternoon following recess we will teach human growth and development.  Girls and boys will be split.  In years past I taught the girls, but last year each 5th grade teacher taught their own girls as Mrs Buell and Mrs. Vandermei received their training last year.  I would assume that will be the same this year.

If you do NOT want your child to participate in the human growth lesson you are welcome to come and get them. I do have the DVD available for you to watch if you would like tp preview it. 

    Know though that this lesson does not cover reproduction at all... it is merely changes in their bodies and growing up.  I do recommend however that if you haven't already had "the talk" that you do so sometime this summer. If they don't hear it from you, they WILL hear it next year.  I am continually astounded by how many kids become sexually active starting in 6th and 7th grade.

Spelling list for this week is synonyms (words that mean the same thing) and antonyms (words that are the opposite of each other in meaning)