Friday, September 11, 2015

Welcome to 5th grade 2015 - 2016!!

Congratulations parents!  We made it through our first week!

Spelling list for this week came home with students tonight to study.  We're taking a week for them to get all of our names and core values down and then we'll start on our spelling book.

Their list includes the following words:

Vander Mei            Buell             Sadowski            Michigan            Vicksburg        honesty

respect             caring              responsibility             Sunset Lake  

Student council selections will begin this week. Forms will be due Monday the 21st... no exceptions!

Speeches will be on the 23rd and elections will be on Thursday the 24th.

Book Fair!  The  book fair will be back the last week of September on Monday - Wednesday.  Our class sign up time is Tuesday the 29th from 2:15 - 2:40.

Term cards for science!  You should start seeing these come home.  Monday set 1 is due!  There are 22 cards in this set and the kids had almost 40 minutes to work on them today in if they say they didn't have time they probably were just talking more than working!

Cards come in a packet.  The first page of each packet are the terms and they are to glue one word on a separate blank card.  After all the words are on separate cards, they need to find the matching definition in the packet and glue that on the opposite side.

They should all have a glue stick but tape is also fine. Make sure they secure the edges so that when they shuffle the cards for practice the titles or definitions don't come loose.

There are 8 packets total but set one is the biggest. These are terms that they HAVE to know before they go to middle school next year.  The term card test over sets 1 - 4 will be Friday September 25th. they should be studying these for 10 - 15 minutes each night.

We have a high school intern named Olivia Holmes.  Olivia was my student in 2008/2009 and is spending her afternoons with us this year to determine if she wants to be a teacher.  She told the kids today to hold onto their term cards into high school as she still used them .

Thanks so much for a great first week!

Tiffany Sadowski