Friday, September 18th
For students who had social studies this week, map assignments have been graded and returned to your student via their mailbox. Ask to see this and see how they did.
PTA fundraiser packet goes home today.
Picture Day is September 24th. Picture order forms are in student mailboxes today and should come home.
Term card sets 1 - 8 should be COMPLETED by Monday the 21st. The first test over sets 1 - 4 is on FRIDAY the 25th for all students who have science NEXT week. Letters should be B and D. The term card test for students in groups A and C is on MONDAY the 28th.
Any student from any class can come in before the test dates for a one on one test with me via the term cards. Any student who gets 100% via a test of all of the cards in set 1 - 4 with me automatically gets 100% on the test and does NOT have to take it on the test date. Instead, those students can read for their A.R. goal.
All Science Classes
It has been a long standing policy in MY CLASS that ANY assignment or test that ANY student does poorly on can be redone, or retaken for a higher grade. I would rather have all of my students take the time to do things right, and to LEARN a topic rather than just giving them a low grade and going on to the next subject needing teaching. It is the STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY to schedule with me a time to make up the assignment or test that needs to be done again. I want them to take responsibility for their own effort.
My Students - Reading, Writing, Spelling
The above policy is in effect for all subjects for students of my class. The exception to this rule is A.R. tests. Any student who scores above an 80% on an A.R. test is not eligible to take the test over again.
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