Tuesday, October 13th
We took the first of four M.E.A.P. tests today. They were in their seats a LOOOONG time taking their time, so if they have a little extra energy tonight you'll know why!
M.E.A.P. testing dates are Tuesday, and Thursday of this and next week. Please try to avoid taking your child out for an appointment during those days.
O.E.C. is this Friday. Make sure your student is either bringing a lunch or has signed up for a lunch from the cafeteria. If you have given them permission to bring a digital camera, please help them to remember it on the 16th!!
Conference sign up sheets went home tonight. They are mint green. Please sign up as soon as possible so that I can get my schedule set way ahead of time in case i need to make switches. I DO offer conferences after school for those parents that routinely pick up their children, or for anyone else who can't make it to an evening conferences. Email me and let me know what dates and times work for you. I will hold conferences in the afternoons at 3:45, 4:00, and 4:15.
We worked on similes in writing today. Ask your student what simile they wrote about a member of your family. Many of them were awesome!
Science term card test #2 is graded, but I am still waiting for a few students to finish, make up the test, etc. I'd like to pass them back tomorrow if I get the other two tests back. If they don't come home with your student tomorrow night, its because I don't have them all back yet. In the past I've handed them back as I got each class graded and answers were passed to the students who were not yet finished. :(
Question for you: In regards to test grades, would you like being able to log onto here and see your child's test grades? The only thing that concerns me is anonymity. I don't want the kids logging and comparing scores. I wouldn't do it by their names, I was thinking of listing their grades by their student numbers? Or perhaps I could list them by a code word or number that you give me? Email me and share your thoughts on this please!......
Thanks so much for all the supplies you keep donating! We received a HUGE package of tissues today as well as some clorox cleanup for our desks. Thank you so much!
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