Social Studies Tests
Social Studies tests were handed back today. Some of the kids did great, others it was obvious that they didn't study! Some of the tests have "retake" written on them. Please ask to see these tests ( there are two) to verify whether or not they need to retake their tests with Mrs. Buell.
Spell Test
Due to the shortened week the kids did not have a formal spelling list this week. They did however, have a test over their 5th grade high frequency words. These lists are glued inside their spelling folders inside the front and back cover. We took a test on these most commonly used words today, and I will have to say I was a bit surprised! By 5th grades, the kids should all know how to spell "they" "which" and "what". Please encourage them to review these words! Tests have already been graded and returned.
Parent /Community Survey
If you have not already done so, please visit the district website and take the district survey regarding school budget cuts. The district has put out this survey to ask YOUR opinion on what should and should not be cut from our schools. As your children attend this school district, and your taxes pay for our schools, your opinion should count more than ours. Please take the time to fill out this survey. Some suggestions that we as teachers have had are: 1. Extending the school day by 10 minutes and cutting the number of school days. This would eliminate gas for busses, food for the cafeteria and would save water and electricity. Other districts have done this and it has not only saved money but it has NOT impacted meap or standardized tests scores as students are still attending school the same amount of time. 2. Putting a freeze on building renovations aside from normal yearly maintenance. 3. Limiting the use of money earmarked for technology to only replacing broken items. This past year, every teacher as well as the middle school and highschool computer labs got a new computer and a brand new flat screen monitors. What was wrong with the old ones? It's nice to be able to give our kids the latest and greatest technology, but if you can't afford it, you don't buy it! Something that many of us our familiar with within our own households. Do you have suggestions that would help us save money? Do have an idea that would help us generate money ? Please take a moment to visit the district website and take the survey. It is on the main page. Scroll down and find the link.
Class Reward
The class filled their reward marble jar. Technically we were supposed to have our reward party today ( Wednesday) but with me being gone and sick with the OTHER flu on Friday, and then gone and out for teacher training on Monday afternoon we didn't have enough time to plan. Therefore, our reward is on Friday, December 4th. A letter should have come home yesterday that was handwritten by your student. Wings students do not have this letter as they were in wings, but they were informed of our plans etc. Pajamas may be worn.. I would prefer this to them all having to go down to the bathroom and change. They may bring electronic devices ( Ipods, PSP , etc) but items are their responsibility and I will not be held accountable if their item is broken, damaged, or missing.
Thats it! Have a great turkey day!