Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18th
Good grief! Time is flying by so fast that I can't keep track of the days!
Parents who had their conferences canceled due to my illness: I've contacted about half of you via email so far... We had indoor recess today so there was no time to call at that time. Will try to phone contact those I haven't heard back from yet tomorrow.
We have begun and are working on the "Objects in the Sky" unit. So far we have covered the tilt of the earth on its axis (which causes the seasons) Summer and Winter Solstice, Spring and Fall Equinox, orbit, rotation, as well as direct and indirect light. ASK your student what causes the seasons. They should all be able to explain WHY the tilt of the earth toward or away from the sun causes the daylight hours to increase or decrease according to our position to or away from the sun. Better yet, give them a ball and a flashlight and have them demonstrate it to you. They should also be able to use this same process to explain why the shortening of the days triggers the leaves to fall, animals to begin to prepare winter den's and for birds to migrate.
Science Book Pages
This week , science classes worked on pages 2 +3, 4 + 5, and 6 - 7. Homework for this week that is due Friday is a simple word search for these students only. If your student didn't have science this week they will be doing these experiments next week. Everyone however should have page 1 complete.
Electronics Party - A.R. Reward
If your student met their A.R. goal for the 1st semester, Friday after recess we will be having their electronics party reward. Students who did not make their goal will have the opportunity to read and test on books in a quiet reading room during this time. New goals have been set. Feel free to email me whenever to ask me what their goal is, and what their current percentage of that achieved goal is. I'd be happy to keep you in the loop!
New Literacy Homework
Starting this week, students will no longer be bringing home a literacy sheet with a crossword puzzle. Instead, each week they need to check out a fun, childrens story book. The book must be a level of 3.0 or higher. We want these to be fun, while at the same time getting in touch with some great authors and stories. They will then be held accountable for this homework by taking an A.R. test over the book they have read.
Thanksgiving is next week already! No school Thursday and Friday

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