January 27th 2010
Ski Trip!
I'm going to apologize in advance for any typos.... I have four minutes to do this!
The day of our annual 5th grade ski trip is finally here! It is however going to be COLD tomorrow. Refer to the previous posts and make sure your child dresses in LAYERS! Faciel and head coverings will be a must for tomorrow as well! Not sure if it is going to be sunny yet... if it is, have them pack those sunglasses. Chapstick is also a necessary item! If they don't have some they'll lick those lips until they are raw!
Papers Coming Home
In your student's mailboxes tonight are the sunset lake newsletter as well as a letter regarding next year's 6th grade camp. Please make sure that the kids show these to you!
A.R. Goal
Your student's 100% a.r. goal is due at the end of the day today. Their new goal starts Monday. Please keep them reading and set aside time each night for them to do so.
In science we've been working on motion and forces. This week we explored the components of motion, balanced and unbalanced forces and speed. After report cards, we'll take a a week for each class to dissect owl pellets! This is a unit that they absolutely LOVE so be sure to ask them about it!
Conferences Next week!
Parent teacher conferences start on Monday. Please let me know if you have forgotten your time by emailing or calling me. Thanks so much!