Friday, January 22, 2010

Crazy Week Ahead!
This upcoming week is going to be chaotic! Because of the three day week, groups B and D started science this past Friday and will continue in science through Wednesday. Groups A and C had science Monday - Thursday.... and they will have social studies next Monday - Thursday. That way each group gets an even four days of each rather than 5 days for one group and 3 for another! In science we're continuing to work with motion and forces! This week we played with plastic jumping frogs and estimated the length of their jumps in different trials. Next week, we'll be making balloon rockets! fun fun fun!
Ski Trip
The ski trip is on Thursday. Please remember that if your student has their own skis that you need to transport their equipment for them or find another parent who can take their equipment up there. They will not be allowed to take skis or snowboard gear on the bus. Parents that are going WITH their students will be allowed to take their more experienced skiers with them on the bigger hills without having to be tested. I'll be stuck in the rental room helping kids get boots on and it doesn't make sense to me to have them all standing around waiting if YOU know they are competant skiers. YOU must remain with them though during this morning session while the other kids are having their lessons. I'll have kids assigned to be within your radar to check in with you during lunch and afternoon break. Just find me and let me know who has not checked in!
Records Day - No School Friday
No school Friday for students.... report card day. 100% A.R. goal is also due on Wednesday. Technically its Thursday, but as we'll be at Timber Ridge on the official 100% goal day there won't be any way for them to test. I've had a group of students staying in for recess reading to make up their goal. Several are close , but a few will need to do some serious reading over the weekend if they want to make their goal and go to the hockey game. Please encourage them to do this instead of watching T.V. or playing video games.
Conferences start on Monday February 1st. As of today , everyone has returned their conference folder so I am expecting to see everyone ! :) If you cannot remember your conference time, please email me and I'll confirm your time.

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