Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Middle School Meeting Update April 19th + 21st
The meeting time for the 6th grade sign up meeting has been changed. Sign up starts at 5:45 and goes until 6:45. We originally had this down from 4 - 6:00 but it doesn't start until 5:45. Our goof! You may choose to go either night but not both. If you are unable to attend either meeting, please contact the middle school and let them know when you will be able to come in and sign your student up for classes next year.
News Letter
A fifth grade newsletter was put in each child's mailbox last night. The letter details all the trips and events that will take us up to the end of the year as well as all of the permisson slips for those events. Please make sure that this page of permission slips is signed and back to us by Monday the 19th.
Music Fittings
Today music representatives came into our school and allowed students who are interested in band to try instruments. On the slips they are bringing home is the representatives "suggestions" for instruments. This does NOT however HAVE to be the instrument that you student plays. They may choose whatever they wish, and I encourage you to go with what they want rather than what they are "given". They going to work a whole lot harder with something they want to play than something that they are told to.
The last group that we worked with had a payment plan for anyone wanting to purchase/rent an instrument for their student. However... I have another suggestion! Due to the economy, instruments are going for rediculously low prices on the internet, specifically Ebay and craigslist. I won't even sell my trumpet right bow because I wouldn't be able to get more than $30.00 for it and the case. The last time I looked a few weeks ago, they had brand new silver plated trumpets for $75 - $150.00. Clarinets were going for $20.00 - $50.00 many brand new or barely used with cases. With so many people getting desperate for money, it is amazing me what they are letting even brand new instruments go for. Good brands for Brass instruments are Conn, Yamaha and Bach. I don't know brands for woodwinds or saxophones but I'm sure the band teacher at the highschool could provide you with those best brand names to search for with no problems. If I were looking for an instrument for my student.. this is the first place I would go.
As always, Michigan weather is unpredictable. Please keep an eye on what your child walks out the door in as some of them are coming in from a 45 degree recess with shorts, short sleeves and flip flops and not coats! Layers is always the best policy!
Life Touch is offering spring pictures to anyone interested tomorrow April 14th.
Congratulations to our class for not only hitting but for far exceeding our March is reading month goal! In total.. our class read a combined total of 72,800 minutes!!!!! Mrs Schabes baked them all gormet cupcakes as a reward! Were they ever yummy! The top three winners will enjoy a pizza lunch with friends they choose at the end of next week. Congrats!

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