Tuesday, November 30, 2010

December 1st
WOW! I can't believe November is GONE! Usually I update our blog weekly, but with report cards, conferences, and Thanksgiving this month just TOTALLY got away from us!
So! Here is what is new and coming up!
Science/Social Studies
Groups A & C are back in Science. Groups B and D are back in Social Studies. In science, students are contining to work with motion and forces. So far this session they have explored balanced and unbalanced forces through the building of balloon rockets, and we've been testing Newton's first law of physics through the use of tracks, ramps and different weight and mass marbles.
5th Grade and Christmas
All fifth grade students are working on a "secret" writing assignment for Christmas. If they have younger siblings in the house and you ask them about it, they are only allowed to say "We're working on a research project for Christmas..." Later, we will let them fill you in on all the fun details... but for now... ssshhhhhh!
Christmas Party
Our Christmas party will be held in the cafeteria as a whole 5th grade group again. Students will have "stations" that they will rotate between to complete various activities. Parents are MORE than welcome to come and share in our fun! We always need help serving food, at the stations etc.
Mrs. S.'s class will bring Salty and healthy foods.
( Chips, fruit, cheese and crackers, etc)
Mrs. Buell is "Sweet Stuff"
(Cookies, Brownies, Candy, etc)
Mrs. Vandermei is paper products
(Cups, plates, napkins... No styrofoam please! )
Michael Moshun @ Chenery Auditorium
We will be eating lunch at 10:45. Make sure if you chose "home" lunch on the permission slip that you remember to send a lunch with your child that day. Show begins at 12:15. If we return early enough we will be walking to Generous Hands to deliver our cards and our socks from our "Toasty Toes" campaign.
A.R. Goals
50% goal - December 10th.
75% goal January 11th.
100% goal January 28th.

Monday, October 25, 2010

November Newsletter - A Paper copy was sent home today.
Fall conferences are November 11 and 18th. By now you should have received a bright pink note asking for your preference for conference night and times. If you have not already sent this home, please send it in asap. Time slots are filling up fast!
For those of you that pick up your children after school, I do offer some after school slots. Please let me know if you would like to take advantage of this. ( Sadowski's only)
2nd Quarter A.R. Goals
25% day - November 22
50% day - December 10
75% day - January 11
100% day - January 28.
Upcoming Spirit Days
November 12th - Team Spirit Day
December 17th - Pajama day.
Student Hygiene
As our children grow and mature, their hygiene needs change with their changing bodies. Some of our students are in need of parental reminders regarding healthy hygiene ( bathing, washing hair, under arms, brushing teeth, cleaning fingernails, wearing clean clothes to school, etc.) We appreciate your help in guiding your child to make good hygiene choices. We want every child to feel comfortable, accepted and ready for a learning filled day at Sunset.
Thanks! Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

2nd Week of Meap!
Today was grueling! The kids had THREE sections of the Map M.E.A.P. Sections 1 and 1A took from 9:15 this morning until 12:05!!!! The kids were so fried by then that we took them out to run around and play kickball for a few minutes before lunch.
After lunch they started again with the final section. They were done by 2:00. Tomorrow is their LAST day of meaping for this year UNLESS they were absent any of the other days... then they will be meaping until those are made up. Tomorrows test is science.
Sadowski Reward Day
Sadowski's class had their "Reward" for filling their marble jar last Friday 10/15. Kids were allowed to wear pajamas and bring snuggly stuff for spreading out on the floor. The FOOD that came in was AWESOME! We had so much that we couldn't possibly eat all of it! In the past I had as many kids that wanted volunteer to bring in something as usually only 1/2 of it actually made its way in... I think EVERY child who volunteered to bring something did! yay!
Our fifth grade trip to the OEC was wonderful! We had a phenomenal picture scavenger hunt in the morning and the kids took some great pics! We'll start putting our pictures and our OEC Books together next week. For the afternoon they had a "Trail Rally". Each group had to follow the clues of the station to find the next station and then complete that activity. It was fun watching the kids figure out the clues! Some stations had the kids figuring out how to filter water and make it clean with nothing but a bag of supplies and no directions.... Another had the kids listening and identifying pre-recorded bird calls on a C.D. player. Too fun!
OEC packets are in the process of being graded and will come home soon.
Halloween !!!!
The Halloween party is fast approaching! On October 29th all the fifth graders will have their party together in the cafeteria. A note is going home with students today listing which class will be in charge of what for this party. For instance.. for this party :
Buell - Salty/non sweet snacks(Cheese, fruit, crackers, chips)
Sadowski - Cups and beverages ( Pop, juices and at least 75 cups! No styrofoam please!)
Vandermei - Sweets ( cupcakes, brownies, cookies, candy)
At our next party (Christmas) the class will switch items. So for instance, Vandemei would bring drinks, Buell sweets, and Sadowski Salty non sweet snacks.
Parents are welcome to join us in the cafeteria for our party. We will definitely be in need of servers and pourers!
Party snacks
It is NOT necessary to bring in 75 of each treat. Just enough for one classroom (25 - 30 ) will be more than sufficient. That way if more than one person brings in brownies we don't have 150 brownies and the kids will have more choices.
75% day is October 25th. Students who are not currently at their 50% goal have been spending recess in to get caught up on points and notes went home last week ( for Sadowski's) notifying parents of who needs to meet this goal. Please remember goals for all three classes were set with 30 minutes of reading time here at school and a minimum of 30 minutes of reading time at home. If they aren't reading at home, you need to ask them why they are not!
Congrats to Michael H. from Sadowski's class.. he's at 225% of his goal!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

As of today 10/12 Meaps are under way! We began part one of the reading meap today. The rest of the schedule is as follows:
Reading Day #2 10/13
Math Tuesday 10/19 A.m.
Science - Wednesday 10/20 a.m.
Please try to keep pull outs of your child during A.m. minimum during this time!
Whooping Cough
A letter will be going home today concerning a case of whooping cough in a Sunset family. As of now, it is only the family member of a Sunset student who has been diagnosed. All other member of that family have been put on antibiotics as a "just in case" and all students from that family will be kept home for the remainder of the week to make sure that no symptoms show. A letter is going home from the heath department today to the youngest and only children from each classroom. Please make sure that you read this over for important information.
New science /social studies!
5th students of science and social studies have switched and are now attending their other class for the next four weeks. B and D now have science... A and C have social studies.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week of October 4th
Last Friday all science students took their first test over the term cards they have been working so hard on. As with all tests, some did fantastic and some need to retake the test. Please remember that all assignments for science class can be re-done for a higher grade.
Make up tests are always on Wednesdays and are open the next three Wednesdays after the test has been taken. For students who do better orally than on a written test, have them make arrangements with me to come in and test on their term cards orally. The percent of those they get correct will count as their test grade. Students can retake the test as many times as necessary to be successful. I would rather have them learn what has been taught. If this means we have to extend over the three Wednesday rule, that is also fine, but the make up test MUST have been taken within those three weeks before a third chance outside of those three weeks will be given.
This Friday all 5th grade students are heading to the OEC. By now some of your fifth graders have asked if it is possible for you to borrow the family digital camera. If this is alright with you, they will be the only ones using the camera from their group. If you have decided not to let them use your camera ( we DEFINITELY understand why not) then we will provide some disposable cameras for the group. We'll be asking them for verification by the end of Thursday so we know how many we'll need to go get. Weather is supposed to be nice in the afternoon but chilly in the morning... please make sure they dress in layers and NO SANDLES! They'll be on and off the trail and we don't want them getting poison ivy on their feet. If your student is allergic to bees, please let the office know so we can carry the appropriate emergency supplies.
Switch Change
Please remind your students... everyone who has had science for the last four weeks will begin social studies on Monday. Everyone who has had social studies will begin science.
Science students will take their final unit test over everything they've learned over the last four weeks tomorrow. I gave everyone a review sheet with the questions and the answers of things that will show up on the test. Please have them study this.
Thanks! ( Please excuse any typos... I typed this in under 4 minutes!)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week #4!
Sorry we didn't do a week 3 posting..... things got a little crazy busy here last week!
All Classes
Our first visit to the OEC ( Outdoor Education Center) will be Next Friday, October 8th. Students have already been told to dress for the weather, but we will continue with reminders until the day that we go. We will be at the OEC all day so students will either need to pack a lunch or they will have needed to select "school lunch" on the permission slip that you signed for them at the beginning of the year.
Field Trip
All three fifth grade classes will be attending an artist education show by Michael Moshun on Wednesday, December 8th at 12:15. This will be a chaperone free trip due so the number of seats that are available at the show. Students will eat lunch early at Sunset and then depart for the Kalamazoo civic center.
Picture Day this Wednesday, Sept. 29th!
A.R. Goals
A.R. goals for this marking period have already been set and the 25% goal has already passed.
The 50% goal is October 7th.
The 75% goal is October 25th
The 100% goal is November 4th.
Kids will want to make sure they reach their 100% goal this time! We're have an amazing yo yo performer come in. He is awesome!
In science all students should have by now completed sets 1 -4 of their term cards. In addition to practice times in the classroom, students will need to be studying these words every night as they have a TEST on Friday over sets 1 - 4. All students have been informed of this, and the test date is written on the back board... so don't accept any excuses on Thursday night when they claim they "didn't know they had a test!"
Science and Social Studies
Science students will begin Social studies classes and social studies students will begin their 4 week science rotation on Monday, October 11th. Orange science books will continue to be used AFTER the current science students finish their 4 week social studies unit, so please make sure that these do not get lost! If you see it ( "Forces and Motion" is the title) laying around at home, please send it back to school and encourage them to keep in in their desks!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week #2 !!!!

Thanks to all the parents and students who were able to make it to Open House on Thursday night. It was so nice to meet all of you!

Switching Classes

Science, Social Studies and Math Switch starts on Monday. All students in all classes were told what group they are in for this switch. Sadowski's students should all have written their designated group letter inside the information page of their Schedule/Agenda books.

Groups A & C have Science until October 11th. Groups B & D have Social Studies until that same date.

Groups A & B go to math at 10:15. At that same time Group C has Science and Group D has Social Studies.

At 11:15 Groups C &D go to Math and Group A goes to Science and D goes to Social Studies.

Meap Tests are Coming

Meap testing is coming up quick. I'll list the dates early this week regarding which days testing will take place. PLEASE try NOT to schedule any dentist, doctor, or other appointments on these days as it is critical that they be our rooms taking these state mandated tests.

Words Their Way ( WTW is the abbreviation we use) lists will be passed out starting Monday. As in all the years past with this program, students will cut out their words for practice sorts as well as writing them in either their WTW journal or booklet ( This varies by teacher preference). These journals or booklets is what they need to be bringing home to study, not their cut out words. The cut out words are for use for class spelling activities individually or with a partner. Spelling tests are Friday, so a review of their words a few minutes each night should prepare them.

Accelerated Reader ( A.R.)
Accelerated Reader goals for the marking period have been set. Some students have already begun taking tests. I will post the deadline dates for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% goals for this marking period later this week.
Don't forget! Picture day is September 29th!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to 5th Grade!

Hello and welcome to our 5th grade information Blog!

All students received all of their required information packets and flyers in their mailboxes on Tuesday, the first day of school. Most have already returned these registration and emergency dismissal forms and we appreciate that very much. For those of you who have not had time to complete those forms, please get those back to us as soon as possible.

Open house for Sunset is Thursday, September 9th. 5th grade parents and students are asked to meet in the gym for a brief meeting BEFORE heading to your child's designated classroom. Even though each 5th grade teacher has a desginated area of study (science, social stuies, and math) that all of the students will participate in, we want to talk to you about how much we make an effort to get our classrooms together to do things as an entire 5th grade rather than just as individual classrooms.Following this informational meeting we all look forward to meeting you individually in our rooms.

Picture day is coming up fast! Picture day is September 29th.

Homework for this week is READING! If your child has been reading all summer long, FANTASTIC! But for everyone else, we're getting back into the school groove by requiring each student to read a minimum of a half hour each night. That works out to 3 1/2 hours total per week that your student needs to read outside of school. Reading goals for each marking period are set with this time factored in. If your student is not hitting their required reading goal, then they are most likely not putting in the time they need to at home. Students have all been told that should after school activities prevent them from reading one night, they will need to double up and read for an hour the next night.

PLANNING BOOKS! Each student received a planning book that they will be required to write both daily assignments in, as well as homework assignments and upcoming events. Next year in middle school, these books will serve not only as the primary home/school connection for information, but they also serve as a hall pass and must be on them at all times. We will use ours in a similar fashion to get them ready to carry their books next year. Please ask to see this book nightly, and ASK YOUR STUDENT to share what it was they accomplished in school that day. If they are not bringing these books home daily, please call or email us and let us know asap!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Upcoming Field Trips!
Wow! Hard to believe that we have a little over 6 weeks left until the end of school! With that in mind, we have a ton to fit in, in a very short amount of time!
Our first field trip is this Friday to the Kalamazoo county rock and mineral show at the kalamazoo county fairgrounds in the exihition building. There will be a main room filled with dealers on the edges of the room who will be selling everything from rare and unique mineral combinations to the center of the room that will be lined with tables of rocks for the kids to buy for 10 cents to $2.00. There is a mine car they can pay $1.00 for and then "wash out" rocks and minerals. Geodes will also be on sale for $3.00 - $20.00 depending on size. They will crack them open for the kids there. This is a great show for parents to come too as well... lots of jewelry and unique stone gifts made out of all natural stones.
Our next trip is the following week on May 7th to Wolf Lake. Should be a blast, just pray for warm weather!
With only 6 weeks left, the time in between A.R. goals is shorter. Please make sure your child is reading enough to make their goal. They set their goal with me last week.. so they should know what it is. 25% day is today..... 50% day is May 7th... the day of the field trip! I want everyone to go to the game on June 9th so please encourge them to read read read!
Report Cards
These went home last night. Please sign and send back the orange slip asap.
In science we are focusing on systems, ecosystems and survival and adaptation of species. As spring is approaching and many animals are having their babies, please encourage your child to leave wild things be in their natural habitat. Often animals that "look" abandoned are in fact being watched over by a mom and just need to be left alone. We will be discussing in science ways to know if an animal is truly abandoned via dehydration tests etc. as well as when to know if a licensed rehabber needs to be called to take the abandoned animal off their hands and give it the help that it needs.
Our tree frogs are late and have yet to arrive... so we've been held up a bit with our critters,. but our discussions and classroom activities have been fun!
See you soon!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Middle School Meeting Update April 19th + 21st
The meeting time for the 6th grade sign up meeting has been changed. Sign up starts at 5:45 and goes until 6:45. We originally had this down from 4 - 6:00 but it doesn't start until 5:45. Our goof! You may choose to go either night but not both. If you are unable to attend either meeting, please contact the middle school and let them know when you will be able to come in and sign your student up for classes next year.
News Letter
A fifth grade newsletter was put in each child's mailbox last night. The letter details all the trips and events that will take us up to the end of the year as well as all of the permisson slips for those events. Please make sure that this page of permission slips is signed and back to us by Monday the 19th.
Music Fittings
Today music representatives came into our school and allowed students who are interested in band to try instruments. On the slips they are bringing home is the representatives "suggestions" for instruments. This does NOT however HAVE to be the instrument that you student plays. They may choose whatever they wish, and I encourage you to go with what they want rather than what they are "given". They going to work a whole lot harder with something they want to play than something that they are told to.
The last group that we worked with had a payment plan for anyone wanting to purchase/rent an instrument for their student. However... I have another suggestion! Due to the economy, instruments are going for rediculously low prices on the internet, specifically Ebay and craigslist. I won't even sell my trumpet right bow because I wouldn't be able to get more than $30.00 for it and the case. The last time I looked a few weeks ago, they had brand new silver plated trumpets for $75 - $150.00. Clarinets were going for $20.00 - $50.00 many brand new or barely used with cases. With so many people getting desperate for money, it is amazing me what they are letting even brand new instruments go for. Good brands for Brass instruments are Conn, Yamaha and Bach. I don't know brands for woodwinds or saxophones but I'm sure the band teacher at the highschool could provide you with those best brand names to search for with no problems. If I were looking for an instrument for my student.. this is the first place I would go.
As always, Michigan weather is unpredictable. Please keep an eye on what your child walks out the door in as some of them are coming in from a 45 degree recess with shorts, short sleeves and flip flops and not coats! Layers is always the best policy!
Life Touch is offering spring pictures to anyone interested tomorrow April 14th.
Congratulations to our class for not only hitting but for far exceeding our March is reading month goal! In total.. our class read a combined total of 72,800 minutes!!!!! Mrs Schabes baked them all gormet cupcakes as a reward! Were they ever yummy! The top three winners will enjoy a pizza lunch with friends they choose at the end of next week. Congrats!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Busy Week Ahead!
.......... and ironically its already half over!
Tomorrow night at 7:00, don't forget the 4th and 5th grade students will be performing their annual spring musical at the PAC. Kids need to start arriving at 6:30 for warm up. There is an order form going home in mailboxes today for any parent who would like to order a DVD of the program.
Friday Field Trip
Friday moring we will leaving for our KIA/Kalamazoo Valley Museum field trip. Those who expressed interest in chaperoning should have received a chaperone info slip via your child. If you didn't...just be here at 9:00 and I'll fill you in. If you could ride the bus that would be great as we will have room. If you want to drive separately so that you won't have the echoing of little voices in your head all day from the bus ride that is also fine! Please remember to pack a lunch! Weather permitting we'll be eating in the park. If its raining, we'll eat in the bottom floor of the Kalamazoo Valley Museum.
A.R. Reading Goals
75% day is tomorrow, or Thursday. Most of the students have already reached this goal. 100% goal day is April 15th.... the day before records day.
Science classes are all wrapping up the Forces and Motion unit this week. Groups A and C finished last week and turned in their orange books. The following pages will individually be receiving a grade:
pgs 1 - 4
pgs 5 - 6
pg 7
pg 8 -9
pg 12 - 13
pg 20 - 25
pg 26 - 31
pg 42 - 45
Groups B & D Will not have to do pages 20 - 25.... due to the program and the field trip in the same week, they did not have time to do these pages.
Grades are given based on completeness and restatement of answers, correctness of reporting investigation findings, spelling and neatness. Especially when the word they are misspelling is ON THE PAGE it should not be misspelled. Students were aware of these grading standards before books were turned in. They also had several opportunities to have others proof read their books for errors before turning them in. Grades will be located at the beginning of each page section. Group A's books will most likely be returned at the end of this week. Group C, B and D will be returned following spring break. Any pages receiving a low grade may be redone for a higher grade. All reworked pages MUST be turned in to me before April 16th.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Field Trip 3/26/10 KIA + Museum
I still have four more permission slips that I need back for our KIA field trip. Please ask your child if they turned theirs in. Intials of the students whose slips I haven't received are as follows:
If you requested to be a chaperone, I have a letter to go home to you via your childs mailbox tomorrow confirming your request as well as chaperone responsibilities. Bus will leave at 9:10 on the 26th... let me know if you do not get this paper!
Science Books
We are finishing up our forces and motion books this week and next week. If you child has science this week they are DUE on Friday. Please make sure they go through the books and complete any homework pages they might have forgotten. We went over this in class today with the group I have now, so they should know. I will do the same for the group I have next week.
When we come back from spring break we will begin a new and our final science unit for the year... Systems and Survival! We'll be getting Hermit Crabs and Tree Frogs to observe. Eventually these will need homes. If you are interested, let me know!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Middle School Registration/Visitation
I just received an email from Greg Tibbetts the middle school principal this morning regarding middle school registration and visitation. 5th grade registration session will be April 19th and 21st. Sessions start at 4:30. There will only be two this year and they will only be doing class registration and discussion... no tours. Tours will be during give and take in August.
That's it! Enjoy the gift of beautiful sunshine this week!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4th, 2010
No new dates to report as far as field trips. We're waiting on the bus garage for confirmation of our trip to Kalamazoo Valley Art museum and reg. museum.
Students in science are back to working with motion, velocity, speed and distance. We've done two experiments this week. Have them share with you what they did and what they learned!
Special Days
Friday's in March are Read a T-Shirt Day. There is NO COST for spirit days. However in an effort to help the PTA make money to fill in the gaps, any child who wishes to wear their shirt BACKWARDS can do so if they want to pay $1.
Food Opportunity ( Dinner!)
Two of our classroom students are in boy scouts. Saturday March 13th, their troop will be putting on a "Spaghetti Dinner" for anyone who wishes to come at the Vicksburg United Methodist Church. Dinner runs from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Children under 5 eat for free. Families ( no matter how many family members you have ) can buy a ticket for $25.00 Individual tickets I THINK are $5.00. I'm just going by what the kids told me. There is Spaghetti, garlic bread, "other stuff" as well as an auction. Local businesses who have donated gift certificates, services etc, will have their items there for you to bid on.
As the weather gets warmer and the snow is melting, many of the kids are coming inside with SOAKED feet and socks! I don't mind if they leave their shoes in the hall... but I can't allow bare feet in my class no matter how soaked their socks! Might be a good idea to send a dry pair of socks for the next month or so just in case!
March is Reading Month!
Our class is currently in competition with every other class in the building now to achieve all three of our reading minute goals before any other class! In our room, I will be tracking individual student reading amounts. At the end of the month, the two students who have read the most amount of minutes will be able to have a Pizza lunch with 2 - 3 of their friends during their regular lunch time. AND if we WIN and beat all the other classes, a parent who makes PHENOMENAL desserts has offered to bake us something extra special to be shared by everyone! All at home reading slips must be signed however, or the minutes do not count. We will also be counting our in class reading minutes. These minutes are verified by me, so these do not have to be signed by a parent. So please encourage your kids to read read read!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24th
Sorry so long since the last post!
Thanks so much for your prompt returning of the sexual harassment forms. The kids and I all had a really long, and what I feel was a productive talk about the situation. Hopefully, we've seen and heard our last incident!
Many important dates are coming up. Please see below:
March 8th - 50% reading goal due
Tuesday March 9th
- 100% goal reward at Wings Stadium. NO hockey.... the kids will see "Curling" like in the Olympics.
March 23 - 25th Book Fair
March 25th
4th and 5th grade musical at the PAC 7:00. More details to follow.
March 29 - April 2nd
Spring Break Vacation. NO School.
April 30th
2nd grade Economics Sale (a.m.) Kal. County Rock and Mineral Show ( P.M.)
May 7th
5th Grade field trip to Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery and South Haven. All day trip.
June 4th
5th grade graduation and awards assembly. 9:10 a.m.
June 8th
Track and Field day. Type to Learn and Easy Tech must be completed to participate.
Events not yet scheduled:
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts/Kalamazoo Valley Museum, Nottawa Stone School, Spring OEC.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Class Composites
Class Composite pictures are finally in! They are in your student's mailboxes and should come home today.

Monday, February 8, 2010

5th Grade chocolate Valentine Party

This Friday we will be celebrating our chocolate Caper Who-Dun-it with a chocolate smorgasboard! ( yeah... spell check is no help with this word!)

We are looking for any chocolate contributions for our party. Dawn Phelps is planning to bring in a chocolate fountain, but is looking for parents to help with the dipping items, as well as more chocolate. If you can assist with the chocolate fountain, please contact dawn at 649-3860.
any other contributions can be brought in any time during the week.
Thanks for making our celebration chocolatey!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Valentines Day Family Dance
Saturday, February 13th from 6p.m. - 8 p.m. Sunset Lake PTA will be hosting a family dance. Please feel free to attend!
5th grade Valentines Party
To help wrap up our "chocolate caper" extracurricular 5th grade activity, we're asking for donations of chocolate for our valentines day party. Bags of M & M's..... Hershey kisses, Nestle chocolate chips, mini chocolate bars, heart shaped candies.... ANYTHING chocolate! We are also going to have a chocolate fountain for the kids to be able to dip fruit ( strawberries, apples, pretzles) etc... I KNOW we need more items for this, but I'm not sure exactly what. If you can donate some items for the fountain but would like to know what to get, please contact Mrs. Vandermei at 321-1532.
Thanks so much!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Missing Item from Ski Trip!
One of our fifth graders brought a white Ipod shuffle on the ski trip and it is now missing. This is the small square version and it has white headphones attached to it. If you, or your students happened to come across an Ipod without an owner in the lodge or on the slopes, PLEASE have them bring it to school so that we can check and see if it is the same one we are looking for.
Thanks so much!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2nd 2010
Day 1 of conferences is over. Looking forward to seeing the rest of you this and next week after school!
Valentines Day
Valentines day is fast approaching. Like our last two parties, Valentines day will be an all 5th grade event. Students will meet in the cafeteria for their party after recess on Friday the 12th. We will eat, and rotate stations of fun! Any parent from any class can donate either a 2 liter of pop or an edible item for our snack table. No need to make 78... enough for one class is fine. We usually get enough variety that there is plenty!
Following the valentines party, we will return to our individual classrooms where we will pass out and open our individual classroom valentines. A class list will go home sometime this week with the correct spelling of each student's names. We're up to 28 now.... so you'll need 27 valentines ( minus your own child!) We'll make our own valentine mail bags in class.
New A.R. Goal
The new A.R. goal began on Monday. Students set their goals with me so they should know what their's is. If you would like to know, email me!
Tuesday the 16th is 25% day. Students need to have reached 24% of their goal by that time.
For the next two weeks in science we will be learning about owl's and dissecting owl pellets. Big fun! Look for their dissection cards and papers to come home to be shared in about two weeks.. Exact times will depend on whether your student has science this week, or next week. They all usually LOVE this unit, so be prepared to be inundated with owl facts in insights!
Ground Hog report just in.... 6 more weeks of winter! Based on what we learned about the seasons with our last unit, several students have already informed me that it wouldn't matter if the ground hog saw his shadow or not.... there is still 6 weeks until March 21st the spring equinox. I WAS impressed by their foresight!
Have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27th 2010
Ski Trip!
I'm going to apologize in advance for any typos.... I have four minutes to do this!
The day of our annual 5th grade ski trip is finally here! It is however going to be COLD tomorrow. Refer to the previous posts and make sure your child dresses in LAYERS! Faciel and head coverings will be a must for tomorrow as well! Not sure if it is going to be sunny yet... if it is, have them pack those sunglasses. Chapstick is also a necessary item! If they don't have some they'll lick those lips until they are raw!
Papers Coming Home
In your student's mailboxes tonight are the sunset lake newsletter as well as a letter regarding next year's 6th grade camp. Please make sure that the kids show these to you!
A.R. Goal
Your student's 100% a.r. goal is due at the end of the day today. Their new goal starts Monday. Please keep them reading and set aside time each night for them to do so.
In science we've been working on motion and forces. This week we explored the components of motion, balanced and unbalanced forces and speed. After report cards, we'll take a a week for each class to dissect owl pellets! This is a unit that they absolutely LOVE so be sure to ask them about it!
Conferences Next week!
Parent teacher conferences start on Monday. Please let me know if you have forgotten your time by emailing or calling me. Thanks so much!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Crazy Week Ahead!
This upcoming week is going to be chaotic! Because of the three day week, groups B and D started science this past Friday and will continue in science through Wednesday. Groups A and C had science Monday - Thursday.... and they will have social studies next Monday - Thursday. That way each group gets an even four days of each rather than 5 days for one group and 3 for another! In science we're continuing to work with motion and forces! This week we played with plastic jumping frogs and estimated the length of their jumps in different trials. Next week, we'll be making balloon rockets! fun fun fun!
Ski Trip
The ski trip is on Thursday. Please remember that if your student has their own skis that you need to transport their equipment for them or find another parent who can take their equipment up there. They will not be allowed to take skis or snowboard gear on the bus. Parents that are going WITH their students will be allowed to take their more experienced skiers with them on the bigger hills without having to be tested. I'll be stuck in the rental room helping kids get boots on and it doesn't make sense to me to have them all standing around waiting if YOU know they are competant skiers. YOU must remain with them though during this morning session while the other kids are having their lessons. I'll have kids assigned to be within your radar to check in with you during lunch and afternoon break. Just find me and let me know who has not checked in!
Records Day - No School Friday
No school Friday for students.... report card day. 100% A.R. goal is also due on Wednesday. Technically its Thursday, but as we'll be at Timber Ridge on the official 100% goal day there won't be any way for them to test. I've had a group of students staying in for recess reading to make up their goal. Several are close , but a few will need to do some serious reading over the weekend if they want to make their goal and go to the hockey game. Please encourage them to do this instead of watching T.V. or playing video games.
Conferences start on Monday February 1st. As of today , everyone has returned their conference folder so I am expecting to see everyone ! :) If you cannot remember your conference time, please email me and I'll confirm your time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year!
We've been back a week and a half now and things are back down to business!
Ski Trip
Ski trip forms went out last week. We would like those to be returned by this Friday the 15th!
Cost for the kids is $6.00... parents are $10.00. This is a GREAT deal considering that it is usually around $50.00 for ski rentals and a lift pass on normal days. Parents... even if you have never learned to ski this is a GREAT time to learn! The instructors are awesome and start everyone one out at the same level. Usually by mid morning, most have graduated the bunny hill and are on the chair lifts. More information to follow!
Conference Forms
Conference forms also went home yesterday... the times are the SAME time slots that you had last sememster, so it should just be a matter of checking off the correct time and returning the slip. I have 28 kids now and only 24 spots... so I appreciate those parents who have agreed to do their conferences before or after school! Conferences start February 1st.
A.R. Goals
The A.R. 75% reading goal is Monday the 18th! MANY of the kids have been staying in at recess for not hitting their 50% goal before christmas break. I have 8 as of today that are still staying in... if you want to know if one of these little procrastinating cherubs is yours, zip me an email and I'll let you know where your student is in their goal.
Groups A & C had science LAST week. Groups B & D have Science this week and we are turning in our "Objects in the Sky " books. Their new books are called "Forces and Motion". We'll be working on pages 1 - 4 this week. Those parents who's kids had science LAST week, please make sure they have these pages done.