Friday, December 18, 2009

Coming Home For Christmas Break!

Coming home with your students today should be a PILE of passed back papers from science. Due to the fact that some kids have it one week... and another group has it another, its been challenging trying to remember what papers to keep until this group is done.... and what to pass back after they've ALL finally had science. If your student took their science tests two weeks ago ( thanks to last weeks snow days) they are getting their back today. If you child just took their test today, they won't get it back until after christmas break.

Over the Holiday Break
A number of students had to miss out on a fun movie this afternoon due to the fact that they were no where near their 50% goal. Some only had 5%.... which at this age, just should not be! All students need to be reading a minimum of 30 minutes a night to improve their reading skill... accelerated reader rewards are nice... but if they are not reading, they are truly getting farther and farther behind their peers who are. Please have them continue this over the holiday break.
Have a great holiday, and stay safe!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Party
The fifth grade Christmas party is on Thursday, December 17th from 1:30 to 2:30 in the Cafeteria. All of the kids can bring a treat to pass. Even though we will all be together, they do not have to bring more than 30 of their treat. We think that there will be enough variety to go around. The kids will actually be playing in stations, creating holiday art in one.... snowflakes in others... and eating at another so they are not all eating at the same time.
Last Day before X-Mas Break
On the last day of school before Christmas break we will have our regular morning switch schedule. For a chunk of the afternoon, after we clean up the room and our lockers our for christmas break, I would like to have a "Read In." Kids can bring blankets and pillows, and of course, their books. We will read and get caught up on accelerated reader tests.
Important Dates
On December 15 of next week we will be walking to the Generous hands building to deliver our socks. Please make sure you're child is appropriately dressed for walking in the snow.
December 17th - Party
December 18th - 50% day and Pajama and Slipper Day
December 19th - Jan. 3rd Winter Break
January 4th School Resumes - Welcome to 2010!
January 18th 75% day
January 28th 5th Grade Ski Trip + 100% A.R. goal day. Info for skiing coming soon.
January 29th Records Day... NO school for students.
February 1st and 4th Conferences 5:30 - 8:15
Science Homework for this week is 1) The moon book. 2) Pages 17 - 19 ( Wed. + Thurs) and a science test on Friday over the earth's tilt, the seasons, and the phases of the moon.
Math sheet is due Thursday, Spelling words should be coming home each night to be studied as should the term cards. And as always.... READ!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2nd 2009
Hope you all had a great ThanksGiving!
This week's homework is a math sheet, science book pages 17 + 18 plus their moon books, spelling words and of course practicing those term cards! Math sheets and science items are due on Thursday. Spelling test is on Friday. And did you kids have science this week? Did they ask you what Syzygy means? (Yes.. it is actually a word!) If they haven't, ask them to tell you what it means. For parents who's kids have science NEXT week, you can ask them on Tuesday night, but not before! We won't have gotten to it until then!
School Budget Meeting
The Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Vicksburg Community Schools will be holding a meeting in the Sunset Lake Library on Monday night at 7:00 p.m. I encourage all parents in the district to attend this meeting. The middle school meeting was poorly attending and since then the admin. is under the impression that Vicksburg parents really have no interest in what is cut and what is not. Based on the conversations I have had with many of you when you have asked me what I know ( I don't know much yet....our meeting is tomorrow morning) I know that this is far from the truth. Please take the time to fill out the survey on the district website and plan on attending the meeting. This is your school for your kids.... your opinions should count more than ours!
Class Reward Party
The fifth grade reward party for Sadowski's class is this Friday. Kids are allowed to wear their pajamas, bring electronic games, ipods etc., as well as blankets and pillows. All blankets and toys will be kept in their lockers until the reward party at 1:30. Please remember that I am not responsible for broken or missing anything and use that when deciding whether or not they can or cannot bring something.
Christmas Donations!
So far we have received over 30 pairs of socks from our class alone! That is awesome! Keep the socks coming so the generous hands kids will have warm toes for Christmas! Remember that we walk to the Generous Hands building on December 15th... Make sure the kids dress for walking and warmth!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Social Studies Tests
Social Studies tests were handed back today. Some of the kids did great, others it was obvious that they didn't study! Some of the tests have "retake" written on them. Please ask to see these tests ( there are two) to verify whether or not they need to retake their tests with Mrs. Buell.
Spell Test
Due to the shortened week the kids did not have a formal spelling list this week. They did however, have a test over their 5th grade high frequency words. These lists are glued inside their spelling folders inside the front and back cover. We took a test on these most commonly used words today, and I will have to say I was a bit surprised! By 5th grades, the kids should all know how to spell "they" "which" and "what". Please encourage them to review these words! Tests have already been graded and returned.
Parent /Community Survey
If you have not already done so, please visit the district website and take the district survey regarding school budget cuts. The district has put out this survey to ask YOUR opinion on what should and should not be cut from our schools. As your children attend this school district, and your taxes pay for our schools, your opinion should count more than ours. Please take the time to fill out this survey. Some suggestions that we as teachers have had are: 1. Extending the school day by 10 minutes and cutting the number of school days. This would eliminate gas for busses, food for the cafeteria and would save water and electricity. Other districts have done this and it has not only saved money but it has NOT impacted meap or standardized tests scores as students are still attending school the same amount of time. 2. Putting a freeze on building renovations aside from normal yearly maintenance. 3. Limiting the use of money earmarked for technology to only replacing broken items. This past year, every teacher as well as the middle school and highschool computer labs got a new computer and a brand new flat screen monitors. What was wrong with the old ones? It's nice to be able to give our kids the latest and greatest technology, but if you can't afford it, you don't buy it! Something that many of us our familiar with within our own households. Do you have suggestions that would help us save money? Do have an idea that would help us generate money ? Please take a moment to visit the district website and take the survey. It is on the main page. Scroll down and find the link.
Class Reward
The class filled their reward marble jar. Technically we were supposed to have our reward party today ( Wednesday) but with me being gone and sick with the OTHER flu on Friday, and then gone and out for teacher training on Monday afternoon we didn't have enough time to plan. Therefore, our reward is on Friday, December 4th. A letter should have come home yesterday that was handwritten by your student. Wings students do not have this letter as they were in wings, but they were informed of our plans etc. Pajamas may be worn.. I would prefer this to them all having to go down to the bathroom and change. They may bring electronic devices ( Ipods, PSP , etc) but items are their responsibility and I will not be held accountable if their item is broken, damaged, or missing.
Thats it! Have a great turkey day!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Christmas Gifts
As a grade level, the 5th grade teachers have decided that in lieu of having a gift exchange in our classroom, that we would instead like the kids to bring in a pair or a few pair of socks. These socks will go to the generous hands backpack program and will be packed into the backpacks before christmas break. The fifth graders will be traveling to the generous hands sight on December 15th before christmas break to help pack these socks into the backpacks. Please make sure they are dressed for walking this day with gloves, boots and hats.
As far as gifts for us, the teachers, we would LOVE gifts of hand sanitizer, clorox wipes, and kleenexes. Barnes and Noble gift cards for our classroom libraries are also greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18th
Good grief! Time is flying by so fast that I can't keep track of the days!
Parents who had their conferences canceled due to my illness: I've contacted about half of you via email so far... We had indoor recess today so there was no time to call at that time. Will try to phone contact those I haven't heard back from yet tomorrow.
We have begun and are working on the "Objects in the Sky" unit. So far we have covered the tilt of the earth on its axis (which causes the seasons) Summer and Winter Solstice, Spring and Fall Equinox, orbit, rotation, as well as direct and indirect light. ASK your student what causes the seasons. They should all be able to explain WHY the tilt of the earth toward or away from the sun causes the daylight hours to increase or decrease according to our position to or away from the sun. Better yet, give them a ball and a flashlight and have them demonstrate it to you. They should also be able to use this same process to explain why the shortening of the days triggers the leaves to fall, animals to begin to prepare winter den's and for birds to migrate.
Science Book Pages
This week , science classes worked on pages 2 +3, 4 + 5, and 6 - 7. Homework for this week that is due Friday is a simple word search for these students only. If your student didn't have science this week they will be doing these experiments next week. Everyone however should have page 1 complete.
Electronics Party - A.R. Reward
If your student met their A.R. goal for the 1st semester, Friday after recess we will be having their electronics party reward. Students who did not make their goal will have the opportunity to read and test on books in a quiet reading room during this time. New goals have been set. Feel free to email me whenever to ask me what their goal is, and what their current percentage of that achieved goal is. I'd be happy to keep you in the loop!
New Literacy Homework
Starting this week, students will no longer be bringing home a literacy sheet with a crossword puzzle. Instead, each week they need to check out a fun, childrens story book. The book must be a level of 3.0 or higher. We want these to be fun, while at the same time getting in touch with some great authors and stories. They will then be held accountable for this homework by taking an A.R. test over the book they have read.
Thanksgiving is next week already! No school Thursday and Friday

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th
I've been out since Monday after school with the flu. I don't think its H1N1 as my temp never went over 101. I will be away from the kids one more day ( Thursday) so that I don't get them sick, but I WILL be at conferences on Thursday night.
Students are welcome to attend their own conferences, and I will be returning to school on Friday.
If your conference was skipped on Monday night, I will begin rescheduling those conferences when I return to school on Friday. Please be patient if I don't contact you immediately... I have 14 to schedule and I already booked some after school slots next week. If you CANNOT attend a conference before school, or if you must have a conference after 5:00, please email me at my school email address so that I can try to book everyone who needs an after 5:00 conference on one night.

Friday, November 6, 2009

November 5th 2009
Wow! This week was just as nuts as last week! Sorry to be so late with the posting!
In science this week and next week, the kids will be learning about what causes the changing of the seasons and will be doing experiments with clay and flashlight models. Many of them think that they seasons are caused by the distance of the earth to the sun while the earth is on its yearly orbit around the sun. They will learn how and why this is not true and should be able to explain to you what DOES actually cause the seasons when asked.
Bear will be out of the room for reading for the next two weeks due to some minor surgery that he had this past week. Nothing major, just some below the surface fatty tumors and a couple of skin tags removed. He'll be back once he gets his stitches out.
Parent teacher conferences are Monday or Thursday night of this upcoming week. Some of you have generously volunteered to come in for your conference before or after school and I really appreciate this! With only 24 slots available and 27 kids, it would have been impossible to fit them all into two nights. Please try to be on time for your conference. I will have a timer running during each conference so that I can stay on time myself. It is not my intention to get you in and get you out as soon as possible but with all my conferences back to back if I'm off 2 minutes for one conference, then I am off 2 minutes for each conference for the rest of the night.
If we don't get to delve into information that you need to hear more about, I would be happy to schedule an additonal conference with you later.
A.R. goals
Accelerated Reader 100% goals were supposed to have been met yesterday. Students who did not meet their goal for last quarter will have the opportunity to stay in at recess until they reach this goal. The 2nd quarter for A.R. starts this Monday. Please refer to the September posting for the dates of the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% goals for 2nd semester.
The State Education Budget Cuts
Within the last two weeks the teachers of Vicksburg have been asked to make lists of what we feel are the most important things to keep, and what items/classes/materials/ can be cut from our district expenses. What is most important to all of us is the education of your students. Therefore, what the teachers feel is the most important thing NOT to cut is the teaching staff. We already know that many districts will be cutting and laying off teachers before Christmas break. That means that where there was once a class of 27 students, there might now be classes of 35 - 40 students. Classes of this size make quality instruction nearly impossible as teachers spend more time on classroom management and crowd control than actual instruction.
Vicksburg Community Schools has more teachers with Masters Degrees than nearly any other school in west Michigan. We know we get paid less than other teachers in other districts but lets face it... if you go into education, its not about the money... it's about the kids. The teachers in Vicksburg stay here because we believe in and support the commitment that Vicksburg has made to us to help us give your students the best instruction possible. But with the looming deficit ahead and cuts needing to be made, NOW we need YOUR help more than ever. YOU pay the taxes that fund our schools. Therefore YOUR opinion as to what to cut and what to keep should also come from you, the parents. As teachers and administrators, sometimes we get so caught up in working with the kids from day to day, what we have, what we don't have, and what we need, that we run out of ideas as to how to help ourselves. Kind of like... you can't see the forest while you're in the trees? If you have any ideas on how to generate money for the district, or if you have some strong opinions on what to cut, what not to cut and the reasons for them please call the administration building and give your suggestions. We know we can't keep asking you for money as your wallets are stretched thin as it is right now also.... But how can we USE the resources we already have here in Vicksburg to generate some extra cash flow? What activities would you be alright with being cut? What programs should be kept to make sure that the kids leaving us will still be prepared for college? Do we update our technology and computers each year or put that on hold until the economy begins to stabilize more? These are going to be tough choices for us... but with your help it is my hope that we can come out of this in better shape than the larger districts around us will. Think about it and please contact admin. and let them know what you think. Without you and your opinions, there would be no Vicksburg Community Schools.
I'll get off my soapbox now! Have a great week!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28th - Halloween Party Information
Meaps are finally done as of today. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
A few changes for our Halloween party. First! We will still be having our party in the cafeteria together with the other classes.... but we will have our party starting at 1:30 and we will go until it is time to change clothes at 2:00.
Mrs. Buell's class is bringing the food, My class is bringing the drinks, and VanderMei's class is bringing in the paper products. The kids already signed up for various drinks and a note went home on Monday. If you haven't seen it yet, ASK for it!
If you do have a treat that you really want to bring in addition to the drinks that is fine, you are more than welcome to bring them.
During our party, the kids will eat, and we will be having a ticket auction. We'll have various items the kids can bid on, or if they choose they can "bank" their tickets to save up for the bigger items that I've told them are available to our class.
After the parade the kids will return to our room and we will share scary stories. If you have some old favorites that you would like to tell, either get a copy of it for your child to read, or join us for some scary fun!
Conference times are still being finalized... I'll try to get to get the notes home by Friday... Monday at the latest.
Kids will have a Sub Thursday afternoon while I am away at math training. (I'm not quite sure why... I don't teach math but whatever!)
Anyway... that's our news!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25th
Wow! Four days off! I hope every one of my little peeps was enjoying their time off instead of being sick!
New hand sanitizers have now been installed in every classroom. Kids will have to wash their hands or sanitize before and after gym, before snack, before lunch and before and after computer lab.
We will also continue to disinfect desks daily as well as door knobs , pencil sharpener handles and the fountain and sink handles.
If your student is sick or has a temperature, PLEASE DO NOT send them to school. I know sometimes the places we work can be difficult when it comes to taking time off for any reason, but by sending a sick child to school, you endanger the health of everyone else in the building, let alone in our classrooms. Students can return to school no sooner than 24 hours after their fever has passed. Please remember that vaccination does not guarantee that you will not get the flu. The vaccination does however prevent the full severity of the flu symptoms from kicking in, however during this time you can still be a carrier of the virus and spread it to others even ifyou don't feel the full effects.
Halloween! We haven't even had time to talk about this in our room but we will do so tomorrow (Monday). I will have the kids sign up to bring in a treat of their choice to share with the class ( brownies, cookies, fruit, pop, juices etc) and a letter will come home to you tomorrow night. If you cannot provide this treat that is fine, just let me know so that I can get an idea of how much food is coming.
Parade is at 2:15. Kids can start putting on their costumes at 2:00. Sunset Policy prohibits them from wearing any part of their costume to school. Hair sprays in aerosol cans must be applied by a parent, not the student.
Halloween party for all fifth graders will be in the cafeteria this year. We're trying to encourage the kids to see themselves as one big team, instead of kids from individual rooms. Party will go until 3:00 ish.
Any questions? Feel free to email me. I'll repost tomorrow (or Tuesday if I forget) on the status of the party details.
Meap..... Since we were gone all last week, the state has extended the Meap deadline. As far as I know, kids will ALL be testing for math on Tuesday. Normally they would then test for sciene on Thursday..... but since the upper El teachers will be out of the building for math training that same day the kids will have subs. Therefore I will assume that the science test will be Wednesday. I won't know for sure until I get back to school on Monday. When I know... you'll know!
Spelling lists are the same as last week...since they only and them for a day. All other homework they received on the 16th will be due on the 29th.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

OEC yesterday was great. I'm anxious to see what pictures they took and how they relate to the prompts they were given. Students had to find and take pictures of various objects at the OEC to fit these prompts. Some of the prompts were:
Something that doesn't belong.....
Something that has ripples
Something that is multi colored.
Everyone seeemed to have a good time working on this.
Meaps this week are Math on Tuesday and Science on Thursday. Please make sure they are well rested for this!
The Flu
As I'm sure you noticed on the news with Schoolcraft, the flu is on the move. In the last week we've had numerous children out for sore throats, fevers, and extreme tiredness.... all signs of the flu. PLEASE DO NOT send your child to school if they have any of these symptoms. We don't need an epidemic on our hands! Encourage them to wash their hands often. We are sanitizing desks and door handles daily in our room, so hopefully that will help.
Science term card tests have been returned. If your student scored less than a 2.8, they are more then welcome to retake the test. All retakes are on Wednesday at recess.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13th
We took the first of four M.E.A.P. tests today. They were in their seats a LOOOONG time taking their time, so if they have a little extra energy tonight you'll know why!
M.E.A.P. testing dates are Tuesday, and Thursday of this and next week. Please try to avoid taking your child out for an appointment during those days.
O.E.C. is this Friday. Make sure your student is either bringing a lunch or has signed up for a lunch from the cafeteria. If you have given them permission to bring a digital camera, please help them to remember it on the 16th!!
Conference sign up sheets went home tonight. They are mint green. Please sign up as soon as possible so that I can get my schedule set way ahead of time in case i need to make switches. I DO offer conferences after school for those parents that routinely pick up their children, or for anyone else who can't make it to an evening conferences. Email me and let me know what dates and times work for you. I will hold conferences in the afternoons at 3:45, 4:00, and 4:15.
We worked on similes in writing today. Ask your student what simile they wrote about a member of your family. Many of them were awesome!
Science term card test #2 is graded, but I am still waiting for a few students to finish, make up the test, etc. I'd like to pass them back tomorrow if I get the other two tests back. If they don't come home with your student tomorrow night, its because I don't have them all back yet. In the past I've handed them back as I got each class graded and answers were passed to the students who were not yet finished. :(
Question for you: In regards to test grades, would you like being able to log onto here and see your child's test grades? The only thing that concerns me is anonymity. I don't want the kids logging and comparing scores. I wouldn't do it by their names, I was thinking of listing their grades by their student numbers? Or perhaps I could list them by a code word or number that you give me? Email me and share your thoughts on this please!......
Thanks so much for all the supplies you keep donating! We received a HUGE package of tissues today as well as some clorox cleanup for our desks. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, October 6th
Wow! We've been crazy busy over the last week!
Homework this week went home on Friday. A social studies sheet as well as a Math sheet should have come home with Friday mail. I had a substitute on Friday and I totally forgot to lay a literacy sheet out for her to stick in their mailboxes, so no literacy sheet this week.
New spelling lists went home yesterday. Please make sure they are bringing their spelling journals home to study their words.
Science term card test over sets 5 - 8 for groups B and D is on Friday. Groups A and C will have their test Monday.
Friday October 16th, all fifth grade students will be heading out to the OEC for the day. A letter will come home with students tomorrow detailing appropriate outdoor attire etc. Students will either need to pack a lunch, or sign up to have a lunch made for them from the cafeteria.
We will also be working on a project that will require the use of a digital camera. Students will be divided into groups of 3 or 4 students and each group needs to have a digital camera to take pictures of various things at the OEC. If you choose to allow your child to bring a camera, they will be the only ones in their group allowed to use it. Cameras need to have their name written on a piece of tape and stuck to the camera so that in case it is put down we know who each camera belongs to. Phones that take pictures won't work as they don't have a removable disk that can be easily downloaded.
Cameras will be left with Mrs. VanderMei for the weekend and she will download the photos into a file that can be accessed by all of the students in the group.
Meaps start next week on the 13th! Please make sure that your child has no dentist, or doctor's appts. on any Tuesday and Thursday for the next 3 weeks of testing. The state is very rigid on the exact days and times for testing. A healthy breakfast on these days is a MUST!
Thanks! Hope you all have a great week!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday, September 28th
Lots to share today!
For My class... homework for the week is as follows:
Math Sheet - Due Thursday
Literacy Sheet- Due Thursday
New Spelling List - Test Friday ( Ask to see their red spelling notebook!)
Study term cards - Test over sets 5 - 8 is October 9th for groups B and D
October 12th for groups A and C
Read for A.R. 50% goal must be met by October 6th.
For Science:
Science warmup sheets should have been returned to all three classes today. Grading is based on four criteria:
1. The question is copied down correctly from the T.V. This includes correct spelling.
2. The question is answered completely with a RESTATED sentence.
3. Both questions and answers need capitilization and punctuation in its proper spot. Just because this is science, doesn't mean that proper rules of writing don't apply.
4. There should be few if any spelling errors. Not only is the question of the day written in huge letters on the computer T.V., but we then also write the answer out together on the board after discussion. There is no excuse for misspelled words by 5th graders when the word is right in front of them to copy.
In science it isn't enough for a student to just have the right or wrong answer. Answers must be able to be communicated clearly to other scientists.
Science term tests over sets 1 - 4 have also been graded and pending the return of a few AWOL tests from absent students, will be returned tomorrow or Wednesday.
Any student who received below a 2.8 (a B-) on the test may study and retake the test for a higher grade. I would rather have them learn the cards than just to give them a bad grade.
HOWEVER! It is the student's responsibility to tell me that they would like to retake the test, I will not be chasing them down. Test retakes are always on Wednesday during recess. If they forget one week, they can come in the next. Once report cards are marked for the semester, retakes are no longer permitted.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Warm Kids
Times are tight for MANY of us right now! If you're struggling and would like to NOT have to worry about whether or not you can afford a warm coat and boots for you student this year, call the office or send me a note! The Warm Kids Program is currently taking the names of students who will be needing a coat and boots. The program is well run and anonymous. Only the office, and myself will know who among us has a need for coats or boots. Unless your student chooses to share with others, no one needs to know where their new stuff came from.
Kids Hope
Mentoring for kids hope will begin during the first week of October. If you have a student in my class who is currently enrolled please have your student ask me for a permission slip to fill out to remain eligible this year. Parents interested in beginning participation in this program need to concat Vicki Ackerman at or the Sunset Lake office for her phone number.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Attention ALL Sunset Parents!
The Halloween party has been moved from Wednesday the 28th to FRIDAY the 30th of October. All classroom parties, parade etc will now take place on Friday, NOT on Wednesday.
Picture Day is Tomorrow! Don't forget!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday, September 22nd
Homework given out on Monday was as follows:
Math Sheet - Due Thursday
Literacy sheet (on apes) Due Thursday
Spelling Lists - Test on Friday
Term Cards - Test for groups B & D Friday - A & C Monday over sets 1-4
Upcoming events - We (all the fifth grades) are trying to plan an all day outing at the Outdoor education center for all 5th grade students. Part of our day out there will include an advanced WINGS activity in which the students will be in groups of four - five and will have to look for and take digital pictures of certain things from a list. For example "Find something that is a twin" The kids could take a picture of twin acorns, or two leaves that are alike. Back at school in our classrooms we will then put together OEC Books with our pictures. We will be needing one kid in each group to have a digital or a disposable camera for this. Anyone NOT want their child to bring their digital or a disposable camera? Email me at
We are also trying to schedule the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts for the month of October. I'll let you know when we have the dates finalized for both.
Thanks so much!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday, September 18th
For students who had social studies this week, map assignments have been graded and returned to your student via their mailbox. Ask to see this and see how they did.
PTA fundraiser packet goes home today.
Picture Day is September 24th. Picture order forms are in student mailboxes today and should come home.
Term card sets 1 - 8 should be COMPLETED by Monday the 21st. The first test over sets 1 - 4 is on FRIDAY the 25th for all students who have science NEXT week. Letters should be B and D. The term card test for students in groups A and C is on MONDAY the 28th.
Any student from any class can come in before the test dates for a one on one test with me via the term cards. Any student who gets 100% via a test of all of the cards in set 1 - 4 with me automatically gets 100% on the test and does NOT have to take it on the test date. Instead, those students can read for their A.R. goal.
All Science Classes
It has been a long standing policy in MY CLASS that ANY assignment or test that ANY student does poorly on can be redone, or retaken for a higher grade. I would rather have all of my students take the time to do things right, and to LEARN a topic rather than just giving them a low grade and going on to the next subject needing teaching. It is the STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY to schedule with me a time to make up the assignment or test that needs to be done again. I want them to take responsibility for their own effort.
My Students - Reading, Writing, Spelling
The above policy is in effect for all subjects for students of my class. The exception to this rule is A.R. tests. Any student who scores above an 80% on an A.R. test is not eligible to take the test over again.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Open House!

Thanks so much to everyone who came to open house! It was nice to meet you in person and I look forward to seeing you all again at conferences.
Classroom Updates!
Spelling will begin NEXT week with new lists being handed out on Friday the 18th. We got way too busy this morning going to specials and doing our A.R. goals that I completely forgot to hand them out. The first spelling test will be Friday, September 25th.
The first term card test over term card sets 1 & 2 will be that SAME Friday Sept. 25th. Encourge them to study those cards!
Switching of classes for Math and Social Studies/Science began today. Groups A & B go to Math first from 10:15 - 11:15. Groups C & D go to math from 11:15 - 12:15.
This week, groups A and C have Science and groups B and D have Social Studies. Next week, groups B and D will have Science and A and C will have Social Studies. Students from all classes were given a calendar listing who has what class and when. Please hang this up on the fridge or any other easily viewable place until we get this routine down!
I KNOW this is really confusing.... but by the end of the week I think we'll all have it. To find out which letter grouping your child is in, check the inside front page of their schedule book... I had them write their letter in the upper right hand corner.
HOMEWORK! Students received a math sheet from Mrs. Vandermei and a Social Studies map from Mrs. Buell. Both are due on Thursday as they walk into those classrooms. Science homework for the next couple weeks will be term cards... term cards... term cards!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Accelerated Reader Goal Dates 2009 - 2010
I will begin setting accelerated reader goals with the kids this week. Since their first library visit was delayed until this upcoming Monday, (which gives them two less weeks to meet their goal) and due to the fact that we will be focusing on ME.A.P. review, I will not be setting their first goal very high.
For the 1st marking period, goals are as follows:
25% of goal by 9/21/09
50% of goal by 10/6/09
75% of goal by 10/26/09
100% of goal by 11/5/09
For the 2nd marking period, goals are as follows:
25% of goal by 11/30/09
50% of goal by 12/18/09
75% of goal by 1/18/10
100% of goal by 1/28/10
For the 3rd marking period, goals are as follows:
25% of goal by 2/16/10
50% of goal by 3/8/10
75% of goal by 3/25/10
100% of goal by 4/15/10
For the 4th and last marking period, goals are as follows:
25% of goal by 4/27/10
50% of goal by 5/7/10
75% of goal by 5/19/10
100% of goal by 6/1/10
Remember that in order for 5th graders to get "Off the Wall", they must get DOUBLE the amount of their goal within a single marking period. Trophies are no longer awarded, their names are inscribed on a plaque that is hung in the front lobby.
Homework for this weekend.... Finish term cards set 2 & 3 and study sets 1 - 3.
Show parents letter from the new school counselor
Remember! Open House is Monday and the Book Fair will be
here also. See you then!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, September 10th!

Yesterday we went over how to fill out our agenda/schedule books. Students know they are to share this with you NIGHTLY so that you are aware of what is going on in class. This is their responsibility to share it with you, but they might need a few reminders for the first month or so.

We started science term cards today! (Read post below Bear's pictures!) Have them start practicing for homework.

Everyone took both the STAR test and the S.R.I. test in computer lab today to give me a baseline as to where their reading level is at after summer. We will take both tests every 4 weeks or so... I like to take both tests rather than just one. The STAR test measures word comprehension and vocabulary. The SRI test measures overall reading comprehension.

Homework tonight... Practice those term cards and to show you their schedule book!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Whew! Our first day literally flew!

Homework for tonight is as follows:

School enrollment forms- There should be a large packet coming home with each student TONIGHT!

Classroom brochure - Lists all the rules of the classroom, contact information for me as well as our blog for information.

Paper Bag activity - Each student was given a paper bag today. They can fill it up with anything that they feel makes them who they are. Items could be pictures of family, a sports medal, a favorite stuffed toy from childhood... as many things as they want to stick in there and that they can fit in there is fine! Bags need to be brought to class with them tomorrow morning for sharing.

That's it for now! Be sure to read the posts below for other classroom information.
Thanks for visiting us!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Science and Social Studies Update

Due to the increase in math and literacy time, Science and Social Studies will be taught a little bit differently this year.
Originally, only a 1/2 hour of science and social studies was going to be allotted for each day, as opposed to the 50 minutes we've had in the past. As 30 minutes is barely enough time to get the kids in their seats and begin to explain a concept before they'd have to switch to their next class, Mrs. Buell (the social studies teacher) and I have decided to teach science and social studies as follows:

5th grade students will be divided into four groups A, B, C, and D. (Actually I think we're going to use colors, but for the purpose of this explanation I'll use letters) Group A, and B will get math instruction together from Mrs. Vandermei for one hour. Group C will get Science instruction for one hour, Group D will get Social studies for one hour. At the end of that hour we switch.... Group C and D will get math instruction for one hour, and groups A and B will go to either Social studies or Science for an hour. In other words, your student will get an hour of math and an hour of either social studies or science. The following week, if your student had Social studies the previous week, they will then get a week of Science. If your student had a week of science, they will get a week of Social studies.

I know it sounds confusing.... But every student will have math for an hour a day. They will then have within each month, two weeks of Social Studies, and two weeks of science. I will publish a schedule via this blog when I have it available as to which group your student will be in and when!

Have a great Labor Day weekend and enjoy this last free time of summer!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bear - Working with the Students of Mrs. S's Class

Welcome Class of 2010 Parents and Students!

Here we go with another year! I'm very happy to be your child's teacher this year and I'm glad you logged onto our classroom blog! Through this blog, I hope to keep you updated of upcoming classroom events, activities, and of course, the major homework assignments and tests.

Be sure to check your child's binder/backpack/hands/pockets for classroom brochures regarding class rules and procedures as well as the brochure for the R.E.A.D. program. This is Bear's 5th year in the program and I honestly think he likes going to school more than the kids!

Major homework assigment due dates for MY class are always given at LEAST two weeks ahead of time. The same goes for tests. Due dates are listed daily on the back board and should also be written in student schedule books. So there should be no "but she never told us" excuses!

Term Cards!

The first major assignment that all students from all three fifth grade classes are going to be working on is their science term cards. If they have an older brother or sister that still has their cards (They'd better!) they are more than welcome to use those. The first test on sets 1 - 2 will be given approx. 2 weeks after school starts, with another test every week or so after that adding additional sets.

Why do you kids need to learn these term cards?

Just like kids have their own texting language ( IKR? Omg! etc) so do scientists. In order to understand the content of what they are going to be learning this year and throughout middle school and high school it is important for them to be able to think like a scientist. In addition, success on tests depends on how well they understand the questions they are reading. For instance, one question they might have to answer this year is:

"What will eventually happen to the herbivores in an ecosystem that contains too many lower food chain consumers and not enough predators?" ( Don't gasp.. this was on the M.E.A.P. test 4 years ago.)

If your student has no idea what an ecosystem is, what the difference is between producers and consumers, or what an herbivore is, they cannot hope to even guess the answer to this question. The term cards are created, and then we play several flashcard type games with them throughout the first few weeks to help them to learn. If you child learns better by listening, we play "around the world" so that even auditory learners are hearing the cards repeatedly. As we get better we play games for rewards and prizes! Trust me... by the second week the competition for learning these gets tough and they can even beat me!

That's all for now! I look forward to meeting you all soon!