Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday, September 28th
Lots to share today!
For My class... homework for the week is as follows:
Math Sheet - Due Thursday
Literacy Sheet- Due Thursday
New Spelling List - Test Friday ( Ask to see their red spelling notebook!)
Study term cards - Test over sets 5 - 8 is October 9th for groups B and D
October 12th for groups A and C
Read for A.R. 50% goal must be met by October 6th.
For Science:
Science warmup sheets should have been returned to all three classes today. Grading is based on four criteria:
1. The question is copied down correctly from the T.V. This includes correct spelling.
2. The question is answered completely with a RESTATED sentence.
3. Both questions and answers need capitilization and punctuation in its proper spot. Just because this is science, doesn't mean that proper rules of writing don't apply.
4. There should be few if any spelling errors. Not only is the question of the day written in huge letters on the computer T.V., but we then also write the answer out together on the board after discussion. There is no excuse for misspelled words by 5th graders when the word is right in front of them to copy.
In science it isn't enough for a student to just have the right or wrong answer. Answers must be able to be communicated clearly to other scientists.
Science term tests over sets 1 - 4 have also been graded and pending the return of a few AWOL tests from absent students, will be returned tomorrow or Wednesday.
Any student who received below a 2.8 (a B-) on the test may study and retake the test for a higher grade. I would rather have them learn the cards than just to give them a bad grade.
HOWEVER! It is the student's responsibility to tell me that they would like to retake the test, I will not be chasing them down. Test retakes are always on Wednesday during recess. If they forget one week, they can come in the next. Once report cards are marked for the semester, retakes are no longer permitted.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Warm Kids
Times are tight for MANY of us right now! If you're struggling and would like to NOT have to worry about whether or not you can afford a warm coat and boots for you student this year, call the office or send me a note! The Warm Kids Program is currently taking the names of students who will be needing a coat and boots. The program is well run and anonymous. Only the office, and myself will know who among us has a need for coats or boots. Unless your student chooses to share with others, no one needs to know where their new stuff came from.
Kids Hope
Mentoring for kids hope will begin during the first week of October. If you have a student in my class who is currently enrolled please have your student ask me for a permission slip to fill out to remain eligible this year. Parents interested in beginning participation in this program need to concat Vicki Ackerman at or the Sunset Lake office for her phone number.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Attention ALL Sunset Parents!
The Halloween party has been moved from Wednesday the 28th to FRIDAY the 30th of October. All classroom parties, parade etc will now take place on Friday, NOT on Wednesday.
Picture Day is Tomorrow! Don't forget!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday, September 22nd
Homework given out on Monday was as follows:
Math Sheet - Due Thursday
Literacy sheet (on apes) Due Thursday
Spelling Lists - Test on Friday
Term Cards - Test for groups B & D Friday - A & C Monday over sets 1-4
Upcoming events - We (all the fifth grades) are trying to plan an all day outing at the Outdoor education center for all 5th grade students. Part of our day out there will include an advanced WINGS activity in which the students will be in groups of four - five and will have to look for and take digital pictures of certain things from a list. For example "Find something that is a twin" The kids could take a picture of twin acorns, or two leaves that are alike. Back at school in our classrooms we will then put together OEC Books with our pictures. We will be needing one kid in each group to have a digital or a disposable camera for this. Anyone NOT want their child to bring their digital or a disposable camera? Email me at
We are also trying to schedule the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts for the month of October. I'll let you know when we have the dates finalized for both.
Thanks so much!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday, September 18th
For students who had social studies this week, map assignments have been graded and returned to your student via their mailbox. Ask to see this and see how they did.
PTA fundraiser packet goes home today.
Picture Day is September 24th. Picture order forms are in student mailboxes today and should come home.
Term card sets 1 - 8 should be COMPLETED by Monday the 21st. The first test over sets 1 - 4 is on FRIDAY the 25th for all students who have science NEXT week. Letters should be B and D. The term card test for students in groups A and C is on MONDAY the 28th.
Any student from any class can come in before the test dates for a one on one test with me via the term cards. Any student who gets 100% via a test of all of the cards in set 1 - 4 with me automatically gets 100% on the test and does NOT have to take it on the test date. Instead, those students can read for their A.R. goal.
All Science Classes
It has been a long standing policy in MY CLASS that ANY assignment or test that ANY student does poorly on can be redone, or retaken for a higher grade. I would rather have all of my students take the time to do things right, and to LEARN a topic rather than just giving them a low grade and going on to the next subject needing teaching. It is the STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY to schedule with me a time to make up the assignment or test that needs to be done again. I want them to take responsibility for their own effort.
My Students - Reading, Writing, Spelling
The above policy is in effect for all subjects for students of my class. The exception to this rule is A.R. tests. Any student who scores above an 80% on an A.R. test is not eligible to take the test over again.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Open House!

Thanks so much to everyone who came to open house! It was nice to meet you in person and I look forward to seeing you all again at conferences.
Classroom Updates!
Spelling will begin NEXT week with new lists being handed out on Friday the 18th. We got way too busy this morning going to specials and doing our A.R. goals that I completely forgot to hand them out. The first spelling test will be Friday, September 25th.
The first term card test over term card sets 1 & 2 will be that SAME Friday Sept. 25th. Encourge them to study those cards!
Switching of classes for Math and Social Studies/Science began today. Groups A & B go to Math first from 10:15 - 11:15. Groups C & D go to math from 11:15 - 12:15.
This week, groups A and C have Science and groups B and D have Social Studies. Next week, groups B and D will have Science and A and C will have Social Studies. Students from all classes were given a calendar listing who has what class and when. Please hang this up on the fridge or any other easily viewable place until we get this routine down!
I KNOW this is really confusing.... but by the end of the week I think we'll all have it. To find out which letter grouping your child is in, check the inside front page of their schedule book... I had them write their letter in the upper right hand corner.
HOMEWORK! Students received a math sheet from Mrs. Vandermei and a Social Studies map from Mrs. Buell. Both are due on Thursday as they walk into those classrooms. Science homework for the next couple weeks will be term cards... term cards... term cards!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Accelerated Reader Goal Dates 2009 - 2010
I will begin setting accelerated reader goals with the kids this week. Since their first library visit was delayed until this upcoming Monday, (which gives them two less weeks to meet their goal) and due to the fact that we will be focusing on ME.A.P. review, I will not be setting their first goal very high.
For the 1st marking period, goals are as follows:
25% of goal by 9/21/09
50% of goal by 10/6/09
75% of goal by 10/26/09
100% of goal by 11/5/09
For the 2nd marking period, goals are as follows:
25% of goal by 11/30/09
50% of goal by 12/18/09
75% of goal by 1/18/10
100% of goal by 1/28/10
For the 3rd marking period, goals are as follows:
25% of goal by 2/16/10
50% of goal by 3/8/10
75% of goal by 3/25/10
100% of goal by 4/15/10
For the 4th and last marking period, goals are as follows:
25% of goal by 4/27/10
50% of goal by 5/7/10
75% of goal by 5/19/10
100% of goal by 6/1/10
Remember that in order for 5th graders to get "Off the Wall", they must get DOUBLE the amount of their goal within a single marking period. Trophies are no longer awarded, their names are inscribed on a plaque that is hung in the front lobby.
Homework for this weekend.... Finish term cards set 2 & 3 and study sets 1 - 3.
Show parents letter from the new school counselor
Remember! Open House is Monday and the Book Fair will be
here also. See you then!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, September 10th!

Yesterday we went over how to fill out our agenda/schedule books. Students know they are to share this with you NIGHTLY so that you are aware of what is going on in class. This is their responsibility to share it with you, but they might need a few reminders for the first month or so.

We started science term cards today! (Read post below Bear's pictures!) Have them start practicing for homework.

Everyone took both the STAR test and the S.R.I. test in computer lab today to give me a baseline as to where their reading level is at after summer. We will take both tests every 4 weeks or so... I like to take both tests rather than just one. The STAR test measures word comprehension and vocabulary. The SRI test measures overall reading comprehension.

Homework tonight... Practice those term cards and to show you their schedule book!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Whew! Our first day literally flew!

Homework for tonight is as follows:

School enrollment forms- There should be a large packet coming home with each student TONIGHT!

Classroom brochure - Lists all the rules of the classroom, contact information for me as well as our blog for information.

Paper Bag activity - Each student was given a paper bag today. They can fill it up with anything that they feel makes them who they are. Items could be pictures of family, a sports medal, a favorite stuffed toy from childhood... as many things as they want to stick in there and that they can fit in there is fine! Bags need to be brought to class with them tomorrow morning for sharing.

That's it for now! Be sure to read the posts below for other classroom information.
Thanks for visiting us!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Science and Social Studies Update

Due to the increase in math and literacy time, Science and Social Studies will be taught a little bit differently this year.
Originally, only a 1/2 hour of science and social studies was going to be allotted for each day, as opposed to the 50 minutes we've had in the past. As 30 minutes is barely enough time to get the kids in their seats and begin to explain a concept before they'd have to switch to their next class, Mrs. Buell (the social studies teacher) and I have decided to teach science and social studies as follows:

5th grade students will be divided into four groups A, B, C, and D. (Actually I think we're going to use colors, but for the purpose of this explanation I'll use letters) Group A, and B will get math instruction together from Mrs. Vandermei for one hour. Group C will get Science instruction for one hour, Group D will get Social studies for one hour. At the end of that hour we switch.... Group C and D will get math instruction for one hour, and groups A and B will go to either Social studies or Science for an hour. In other words, your student will get an hour of math and an hour of either social studies or science. The following week, if your student had Social studies the previous week, they will then get a week of Science. If your student had a week of science, they will get a week of Social studies.

I know it sounds confusing.... But every student will have math for an hour a day. They will then have within each month, two weeks of Social Studies, and two weeks of science. I will publish a schedule via this blog when I have it available as to which group your student will be in and when!

Have a great Labor Day weekend and enjoy this last free time of summer!