Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24th
Sorry so long since the last post!
Thanks so much for your prompt returning of the sexual harassment forms. The kids and I all had a really long, and what I feel was a productive talk about the situation. Hopefully, we've seen and heard our last incident!
Many important dates are coming up. Please see below:
March 8th - 50% reading goal due
Tuesday March 9th
- 100% goal reward at Wings Stadium. NO hockey.... the kids will see "Curling" like in the Olympics.
March 23 - 25th Book Fair
March 25th
4th and 5th grade musical at the PAC 7:00. More details to follow.
March 29 - April 2nd
Spring Break Vacation. NO School.
April 30th
2nd grade Economics Sale (a.m.) Kal. County Rock and Mineral Show ( P.M.)
May 7th
5th Grade field trip to Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery and South Haven. All day trip.
June 4th
5th grade graduation and awards assembly. 9:10 a.m.
June 8th
Track and Field day. Type to Learn and Easy Tech must be completed to participate.
Events not yet scheduled:
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts/Kalamazoo Valley Museum, Nottawa Stone School, Spring OEC.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Class Composites
Class Composite pictures are finally in! They are in your student's mailboxes and should come home today.

Monday, February 8, 2010

5th Grade chocolate Valentine Party

This Friday we will be celebrating our chocolate Caper Who-Dun-it with a chocolate smorgasboard! ( yeah... spell check is no help with this word!)

We are looking for any chocolate contributions for our party. Dawn Phelps is planning to bring in a chocolate fountain, but is looking for parents to help with the dipping items, as well as more chocolate. If you can assist with the chocolate fountain, please contact dawn at 649-3860.
any other contributions can be brought in any time during the week.
Thanks for making our celebration chocolatey!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Valentines Day Family Dance
Saturday, February 13th from 6p.m. - 8 p.m. Sunset Lake PTA will be hosting a family dance. Please feel free to attend!
5th grade Valentines Party
To help wrap up our "chocolate caper" extracurricular 5th grade activity, we're asking for donations of chocolate for our valentines day party. Bags of M & M's..... Hershey kisses, Nestle chocolate chips, mini chocolate bars, heart shaped candies.... ANYTHING chocolate! We are also going to have a chocolate fountain for the kids to be able to dip fruit ( strawberries, apples, pretzles) etc... I KNOW we need more items for this, but I'm not sure exactly what. If you can donate some items for the fountain but would like to know what to get, please contact Mrs. Vandermei at 321-1532.
Thanks so much!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Missing Item from Ski Trip!
One of our fifth graders brought a white Ipod shuffle on the ski trip and it is now missing. This is the small square version and it has white headphones attached to it. If you, or your students happened to come across an Ipod without an owner in the lodge or on the slopes, PLEASE have them bring it to school so that we can check and see if it is the same one we are looking for.
Thanks so much!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2nd 2010
Day 1 of conferences is over. Looking forward to seeing the rest of you this and next week after school!
Valentines Day
Valentines day is fast approaching. Like our last two parties, Valentines day will be an all 5th grade event. Students will meet in the cafeteria for their party after recess on Friday the 12th. We will eat, and rotate stations of fun! Any parent from any class can donate either a 2 liter of pop or an edible item for our snack table. No need to make 78... enough for one class is fine. We usually get enough variety that there is plenty!
Following the valentines party, we will return to our individual classrooms where we will pass out and open our individual classroom valentines. A class list will go home sometime this week with the correct spelling of each student's names. We're up to 28 now.... so you'll need 27 valentines ( minus your own child!) We'll make our own valentine mail bags in class.
New A.R. Goal
The new A.R. goal began on Monday. Students set their goals with me so they should know what their's is. If you would like to know, email me!
Tuesday the 16th is 25% day. Students need to have reached 24% of their goal by that time.
For the next two weeks in science we will be learning about owl's and dissecting owl pellets. Big fun! Look for their dissection cards and papers to come home to be shared in about two weeks.. Exact times will depend on whether your student has science this week, or next week. They all usually LOVE this unit, so be prepared to be inundated with owl facts in insights!
Ground Hog report just in.... 6 more weeks of winter! Based on what we learned about the seasons with our last unit, several students have already informed me that it wouldn't matter if the ground hog saw his shadow or not.... there is still 6 weeks until March 21st the spring equinox. I WAS impressed by their foresight!
Have a great rest of your week!