Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1st Quarter A.R. Goals

50% Day - October 4th

75% Day - October 19th

100% Day - November 3rd

Please ask your child frequently where they are in meeting their goal. Goals were set based on the fact that ALL students should be reading a 1/2 hour a night or 2 + hours per week at home.

Students who are sginificantly behind in their goal will be kept in for opportunity to catch up. Parents will also receive an email home notifying of them of their student's progress.


OEC is this Monday, October 3rd. If you were prepared to send a digital camera with your child last week, please make sure those come in on Monday instead. Students will still need to dress in layers as well as pack a lunch. All students who had signed up for a lunch from the cafeteria last time, will receive a sack lunch this time.


Meap testing starts on October 11th. We ask that you PLEASE make every effort to ensure that your child is here on testing days. If you know now that you have dentist or dr.'s appointments scheduled for test days, please try to reschedule them so that they don't have to make up any part of their testing.

Testing dates for 5th grade are:

October 11th - Reading Day 1

October 12 - Reading Day 2

October 18th - Math

October 19th - Science

Friday, September 16, 2011


Friday September 23rd the Sunset Lake 5th graders will be spending all day at the OEC.

Students have been asked to: Dress in layers for warm or cold weather.

Pack a lunch/bring school lunch

Students have also been asked to bring a charged digital camera for an activity that we will be doing with them. If you will allow them to bring a camera of yours, it must be a camera, and not a phone or D.S. Please label each camera with your name with a small piece of tape. Only your student will be allowed to use your camera. Students will be put into groups of three for this activity so if you don't want your child to bring your camera, there is usually enough available for each group to have one.

Please make sure your student knows how to use your camera!

Please make sure cameras are charged or have extra batteries with them. If they're camera can't take pictures they will be unable to complete their writing assignments the following week.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 12th - 16th

This week starts our first full week of switch. Groups A and C will have science for the next four weeks. Groups B and D will have Social studies.

The signed field trip permission slips for Mrs. Sadowski's class have been copied and are in your student's mailboxes today (9/13) ready to go home. Keep them handy so that as field trips and outings progress you can review what lunch choices were chosen for each event.

A HUGE thank you to all the families who donated gift certficates to the 5th grade teachers for the book fair. We each got some GREAT new books for our classrooms and most are already checked out by your students and being read as I type this!

Thank you also for the much needed tissue and clorox wipe donations! Once we shut those windows and the fresh circulating air goes away, we NEED those to wipe away the germs daily!

This week in science students are doing some review for the upcoming M.E.A.P. as well as working on their science term cards. If you have a student in A and C, or if your student is in Mrs. Sadowski's class, they should have their 1st - 2nd set almost done and be working on memorizing them for the games we play with them. Too fun!

OEC date for fall coming soon......

Teacher Cadet

This year in Mrs. Sadowski's class we have a teacher cadet named "Joran Avila". Jordan is a Senior at Vicksburg highschool and is aspiring to be a teacher. Known as "Miss A" to the students, J0rdan will be in our classroom helping out, and learning classroom management skills Wednesday through Friday. Jordan was a student in my class in 2004 - 2005, and she is already enjoying being back in familiar surroundings. This week is her first week with us, and she will be writing a letter of introduction to you to send home with your students sometime this or next week.

Have a great week! Don't forget to ask to see those schedule books each night!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome Class of 2012!

We're so pleased to have met all your wonderful students and we now look forward to talking with you tonight at open house!

Open house 6:30 - 8:00

5th grade parents are asked to assemble betweenm 6 -6:15 for a short meeting with all 5th grade teachers in the cafeteria. Afterwards we will be in our rooms to say hello!

If you have not yet sent back your registration forms please do so as soon as possible.

We will keep you updated as to upcoming events right here on our blog!