Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Upcoming Events

The following events are upcoming for 5th grade students:

10/19 75% day for A.R.

10/20 Funeral procession for fallen Vicksburg soldier Drew Russell. 5th grade students will line the streets for 10:30 procession. Feel free to join us. Dress for the weather and bring a flag.

10/31 Halloween party. Parade at 2:15. 5th grade party to follow in Sunset Lake Cafeteria. Email details to follow.

11/7 Ned reward assembly for 100% reward for A.R.

11/11/11 Veterans day observance in town at 11:00. ( 5th graders) Dress for weather.

11/18 Kalamazoo Institute of Arts trip/Kalamazoo Valley museum trip.

(Chaperones welcome... but due to limited bus space must drive separate)

December 6th - Tentative date.... 5th grade program at the P.A.C.

Other 5th grade news

Groups B /D have Science this week and for the next three weeks.

Groups A/C have Social Studies

All students (regardless whether they have science or social studies) should be studying those term cards.

Science this week - Meap test Wednesday - Motion and forces unit next three weeks.

Review : What is a force? How can you tell if something is moving? What is a point of reference? What is velocity? What is speed? What is the differnence between a balanced and unbalanced force? Who is Newton and what are his three laws of motion?

Congratulations to Victoria Simmons for making it around the world with term cards! She and

2 - 3 fifth grade friends of their choice will receive a pizza lunch on Friday of this week. Way to go Victoria!