Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19th Update

Tomorrow November 20th is picture retake day. If your student is getting retakes, make sure they bring back the packet of pictures that they don't want, and are dressed and ready for pictures.

December 13th the “Christmas Shoppe” is going to be set up in the science lab for your student to purchase gifts for the family. Gifts are offered at a lower cost for students who might be saving their pennies for a gift for mom, dad, or siblings for Christmas.  Our class visitation time is 2:45 – 3:15.  Items must be paid for at that time.

December 14th we will be taking a field trip to the Kalamazoo Institute of arts (KIA) and the Kalamazoo Valley Museum.  If you would like to help chaperone on this trip please let me know. I would like to have at least two parents, but more are welcome! Email me at or call me at 321-1530 if you can help out.

     Also… at the beginning of the year you signed and sent in permission slips stating whether or not you wanted your student to bring their own lunch or get a school sack lunch. Please check that list (I sent home a copy) to review where your student is getting their lunch on that day. If you didn’t  get a copy… contact me… I have the master in my binder.

 Due to the shortened week, the spelling list for this week is the same as the list for next week. 
List 1 –Square
1.       pharmacy
2.       aware
3.       carpet
4.       pardon
5.       carnival
6.       remark
7.       scarce
8.       solitaire
9.       argue
10.   harmonica
11.   vary
12.   aquarium
13.   flair
14.   wary
15.   temporary
16.   regard
17.   scarcely
18.   paragraph
19.   despair
20.   garbage

List 2 – Diamond
1.       repair
2.       aware
3.       carpet
4.       pardon
5.       guard
6.       remark
7.       scarce
8.       declare
9.       argue
10.   department
11.   vary
12.   prepare
13.   flair
14.   article
15.   farther
16.   regard
17.   area
18.   harvest
19.   despair
20.   flare

List 3 – Circle
1.       Repair
2.       unfair
3.       stare
4.       march
5.       guard
6.       compare
7.       cart
8.       declare
9.       department
10.   prepare
11.   article
12.   farther
13.   area
14.   harvest
15.   flare

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