Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Update 1/14/13

   The ski trip is this Friday!  I still have a couple of kids who do not have their forms turned in.  And I’m well aware that you may very well have signed them…. the kids just didn’t get them to me!  So if you wouldn’t mind, please fill these out asap! I need them by tomorrow!

As far as the trip itself, here are the specifics….
Kids arrive at school at the normal time and report to the gym! No going back to the classroom.  All students are to ride the bus to Timber Ridge…. not with parents. Parents can meet us at Timber ridge. 

Students may RIDE HOME with parents but not too.  A weird liability thing…

Don’t have the kids wear their heavy winter gear to school… they’ll fry on the bus on the way to the resort. They also have to sit inside for about 20 minutes and get a verbal “do’s and don’ts” from the managers of the resort… and we don’t want them sweating. 

For the kids who ordered school lunches, we will have those with us.  For kids bringing their own lunches PLEASE pack extra food.  The kids really burn the calories out in the cold!
An extra pair of gloves and socks are highly recommended… especially since gloves often get wet by 
repeated use on the tow rope.

Kids will need to be dressed in layers.  Fashion should not be considered… only warmth!   Carharts are fine… or even a pair of sweats over pants if the kids don’t have snow pants. Hats or something for the kids ears is a must!  When they come down those hills, the wind chill is quite low!

Sunglasses or goggles are highly recommended.

Students who are riding home on the bus will need to be picked up at 5:30. Please have any student who isn’t riding home on the bus sign out with Mrs. Vandermei before they leave.

Spelling lists for the week of  1/14/13
List 1 – Square group
1.      calmer
2.      slimmest
3.      admitted
4.      denying
5.      directed
6.      wiser
7.      grayest
8.      trimming
9.      excelling
10.  obtaining
11.  sunniest
12.  trimmed
13.  resulting
14.  laughed
15.  hiccupped
16.  fluffier
17.  supplied
18.  laughing
19.  interested
20.  hiccupping
21.  fluffiest

List 2 – Diamond group
1.      calmer
2.      slimmest
3.      removed
4.      denying
5.      sunnier
6.      wiser
7.      grayest
8.      trimming
9.      denied
10.  interesting
11.  sunniest
12.  trimmed
13.  wisest
14.  removing
15.  grayer
16.  calmest
17.  supplied
18.  slimmer
19.  interested
20.  supplying
List 3 – circle group
1.      safest
2.      quicker
3.      removed
4.      passed
5.      sunnier
6.      kinder
7.      happiest
8.      denied
9.      interesting
10.  wisest
11.  removing
12.  grayer
13.  calmest
14.  slimmer
15.  supplying

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