Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/6/13 update

There is a lot of "stuff" coming up in this next week, starting with this Friday.

Remember that the 5th grade square dance is this Friday afternoon in the cafeteria.  Kids are welcome to get "duded" up with hats, boots and western wear for our fun occasion.
Monday is Veterans day.  The 5th grade students traditionally walk down to the small park on the other side of Family Fare to take part in the Veterans day Memorial. I have no idea what the weather will be like that day, but we will be attending! Please make sure you watch the weather and have your student dress appropriately for whatever the weather may be that day.

Monday is also early release day. Students will be excused to go home at 1:35.

Wednesday afternoon, our class will be walking to "Generous Hands" on the other side of subway to do a little community service by learning about the backpack program and helping to do some packing.
  Again... the weather for next week is still uncertain... so make sure that you child dresses appropriately for THAT day too. We will leave here approximately 1:15. If you would like to walk with us or join us, you are more than welcome!
Spelling lists for this week are as follows:

List 1- Square group
1. citizen
2. profession
3. companion
4. suspicion
5. cinnamon
6. mention
7. elevator
8. senator
9. mission
10. specimen
11. escalator
12. latter
13. differ
14. bother
15. permission
16. copper
17. mirror
18. emotion
19. onion
20. diameter
21. carbon

List 2- Diamond group
1. citizen
2. profession
3. companion
4. governor
5. solution
6. mention
7. common
8. senator
9. mission
10. section
11. million
12. oven
13. differ
14. bother
15. mayor
16. copper
17. dozen
18. motor
19. onion
20. remember

List 3- Circle group
1. water
2. tractor
3. thicken
4. governor
5. solution
6. major
7. common
8. lighten
9. section
10. million
11. oven
12. mayor
13. dozen
14. motor
15. remember

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