Thursday, February 6, 2014

owl pellet dissection, spell lists and switch

Yesterday was the owl pellet dissection.... ask your kids their thoughts about how this went!

Also... if you're a friend on Facebook.... you have probably seen the pictures of the owl pellet dissection and of the snowy owl I took a picture of on the way home yesterday. Due to the polar vortex shift... many more snowy owls have moved farther south for the winter.  As you're driving about.... keep an eye on telephone poles and power lines... with the snow so deep the owls often take a roadside perch waiting for squirrels and other rodents by the roadside.

My facebook page is pretty student oriented and always "clean" .  You're more than welcome to send a friend request to tiffany laskowsky sadowski. That way I can tag your kiddos pics as I post them doing different things in the room or on field trips.

Starting Monday, students will no longer be receiving an unequal amount of science, math and social studies.  Instead, all students are being separated into three groups, and will have 50 minutes of each class daily. Switch times will be as follows:

switch 1 - 9:50 - 10:40
switch 2 - 10:40 - 11:30
switch 3 11:30 - 12:20

Spelling lists are as follows:
List 1 square group
1. chorus
2. ceiling
3. suitcase
4. cereal
5. recent
6. central
7. chord
8. contribute
9. license
10. frantic
11. choir
12. recipe
13. recite
14. crackers
15. coconut
16. juicy
17. comic
18. select
19. plastic
20. scallop
21. broccoli

List 2 - diamond group
1. chorus
2. create
3. suitcase
4. cereal
5. recent
6. practice
7. company
8. expect
10. frantic
11. choir
12. grocery
13. recite
14. celebrate
15. exercise
16. correct
17. comic
18. select
19. plastic
20. stomach

List 3 circle group
1. icicle
2. create
3. coast
4. coaches
5. certain
6. practice
7. company
8. expect
9. jacket
10. cattle
11. grocery
12. celebrate
13. exercise
14. correct
15. stomach

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