Thursday, September 12, 2013

Spelling Lists Week of 9/9/13

Sorry.... Forgot to post these on Monday.
List 1 (Square Group)

1. operate
2. claim
3. needle
4. marine
5. foggy
6. gasoline
7. eighty
8. freight
9. delete
10. outweigh
11. lease
12. daily
13. Braille
14. replace
15. sleigh
16. feature
17. geology
18. freeze
19. daydream
20. populate
21. complain

List 2 (diamond group)
1. operate
2. claim
3. needle
4. beneath
5. foggy
6. gasoline
7. eighty
8. freight
9. complete
10. scary
11. neighbor
12. daily
13. screen
14. police
15. explain
16. feature
17. straight
18. memory
19. contain
20. populate

List 3 (circle group)
1. speed
2. peach
3. lady
4. beneath
5. fame
6. brain
7. complete
8. scary
9. neighbor
10. screen
11. police
12. explain
13. straight
14. memory
15. contain

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