Monday, September 16, 2013

Week of 9/16/13 Spelling lists

Happy Monday!

The kid's took the spelling test this morning and they've been corrected and returned to your students. If they "lose" it you can always email me for the score:)

New lists have been passed out and should come home today.

Students also received back their first science warm-up sheets today.  Comments for improvement or ways to "fix" their sheets is in the upper left corner of their returned assignments.

Know that any time your student scores low on anything that I teach, that it can be redone for more points and credit. Test retake days for spelling tests and science tests are Wednesday during recess, or at a time that you arrange with me before or after school. I'd rather have them learn from their mistakes and become more proficient and skilled than to just have to accept that they did badly and that they can't improve.

Spelling lists are as follows:

List 1 - Square group
1. dynamite
2. slope
3. growth
4. locate
5. design
6. retire
7. chosen
8. sorrow
9. froze
10. polite
11. horizon
12. tone
13. grocer
14. lotion
15. strike
16. deny
17. exponent
18. donate
19. style
20. classify
21. assign

List 2 diamond group
1. arrive
2. slope
3. growth
4. locate
5. design
6. supply
7. chosen
8. type
9. froze
10. polite
11. spoken
12. tone
13. describe
14. silent
15. thrown
16. deny
17. excite
18. bowl
19. style
20. decide

List 3 (circle group)
1. arrive
2. shown
3. role
4. lone
5. cycle
6. supply
7. beside
8. type
9. spoken
10. describe
11. silent
12. thrown
13. excite
14. bowl
15. decide

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