Thursday, September 11, 2014

Homework update 9/11

Kids have quite a load of homework tonight so I thought I'd give you the list in case any of them say "I don't have any homework tonight".
First... They have a math worksheet.   I have been noticing a LOT of comments on facebook about the difficulty of the new math program. Know that this isn't just something that Sunset chose... this was something that was purchased for the entire district and most other surrounding districts bought it also as it is aligned with the new "common core".  It IS completely different from the way we were taught and a letter and help is on the way... for now I have attached a web link below that can help:

Second... We have a spelling test tomorrow. I gave them all of their books to bring home tonight with instructions to study this list on page 14. I will also attach the list below this section in case for whatever reason they forgot and put their books back in their desks rather than their backpacks.
I know we said at the beginning of the year parent meeting that the spelling books would be done at home as homework... but I'm a bit concerned with the math being every night... and reading every night.... and with science and social studies occasionally on other nights that your kids are going to be up way past bedtime just trying to get all their homework done. SO!  We're going to start our spelling pages each morning in the 10 minutes before we go to our first special (all of our specials are first thing in the morning) and whatever isn't done during that time by your student will THEN need to be homework. Only three pages of each new section have to be done each week.... extra pages done will earn a ticket for each extra page. (some sections have more extras than others)  All spelling books will need to be turned in Friday so I can check them and get them back to the kids by Monday.
Third - The quiz over the science term cards set 1 and 2 is tomorrow.  About half of my class has already taken the quiz orally and 1/2 already have sets 1 - 5 done!  Sets 1 - 5 are due tomorrow as well.
Fourth - Reading.  Reading is important... but I'm putting it at the bottom of the list as its the item that doesn't absolutely have to be done tonight if you don't get to it.  I'm just trying to be realistic!

Spelling list is as follows:
1. eighty
2. claim
3. needle
4. beneath
5. foggy
6. gasoline
7. eighty
8. freight
9. complete
10. scary
11. neighbor
12. daily
13. screen
14. police
15. explain
16. feature
17. straight
18. memory
19. contain
20. populate

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