Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sadowski update 9/3/14


The first two days of school have been fantastic! Thanks so much for raising your kiddos right!  They're all very sweet and have great manners!

Box tops!
   Have box tops?  Or soup labels?  please please send those in!  Each on is worth 10 cents!  Last year our class collected over $2,200 in box tops!  (multiply that out.. that is a LOT of box tops!) Tops are collected every Friday. No need to trim perfectly.. just send them in as is.  These make a HUGE difference in what we are able to buy supply wise for our kiddos!

Coke tops?
Do you or your family drink coke products?  If your answer is yes I NEED OUR BOX CODES AND TOP CODES!  Send in your tops and codes to me so that I can earn free gift cards to buy books for our classroom.

    Each time we bank 1,400 points we can get a $20.00 gift card to Barnes and noble.  Last year we  had over $80.00 in books purchased for our room using just caps and box codes! If you don't redeem codes yourself, please send those in! (Powerade also has codes.. send in those caps too please!)

I have 4 series of books in my classroom that students MUST have parent permission to read. These books are the Divergent series, The Hunger Games series, The Maze Runner Series, and the Twilight Series. These are technically middle school level books that know many kids have read already... but due to the mature and sometimes violent content I have to either an email, a note, or a message written in their schedule books before I will allow students to check these books out.

Finally.... I'd like your opinion on accelerated reader and our current reading program. (Reading for points)  I was pretty heartbroken this year at the number of students who were pretty blatant at how much they DON'T like to read.. and I'm worried that we're getting a little too obsessed with points and not enough in teaching children to actually like what they are reading.  Mrs Buell has decided to do something slightly different this year.... and it sounds awesome. But before considering it, I would like your opinion on the reading program as it stands now before I make a decision. These are after all your kids and it doesn't make any sense to me to make a decision regarding their reading education without your input!
   Let me know what you think! If you love it as it is, let me know. If you think a change is in order, let me know.
That's all for now! More updates to follow.

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