Monday, September 8, 2014

Sadowski science update 9/8/14

   By now your kiddos have had science 4 times.Our primary focus for the first few weeks is going to be "Science Term Cards"

   Because of the district push of reading and math in the early grades, not a whole lot is done with science. It's not the lower elementary teacher's fault... there are just only so many hours in a day. So! In order to get them ready for middle school next year, I need to get them caught up "science wise" on things they should have been learning over time.  One of the areas that they are most lacking in is their "science speak" or in their ability to use, discuss and understand science words.  This is important for a number of reasons but the primary one being that if they don't know what common science words mean, they're going to be lost when it comes to taking a test filled with terminology.

   For instance... Back in 2004 when we as teachers were last allowed to see and read the meap test, one of the questions was:

    "In a temperate ecosystem, how does an over population of carnivores affect the herbivores and producers?"

   Any child who didn't understand "temperate", "ecosystem", "population", "carnivores", "herbivores" or "producers" was losing their minds trying to answer this question.

(And yes.... we too thought this question was a little over the top and complained to the state department of education... which of course is why we are no longer allowed to look at or see the test questions anymore... you can't argue with what you don't see!")

   So now we do science term cards.  There are 8 sets of term cards or 114 different words.  We start with set #1.  We basically cut and paste onto index cards. The Term goes on the front of the card and the matching definition goes on the back.  And since memorizing a bunch of cards isn't fun AT ALL we play games to learn them.  Around the world. Swat Terminology, Memory etc. We played our first game today and one kid already earned a pizza lunch with friends. (Ask your student for the specifics.... they'll explain the incentives.)

  This Friday sets 1 - 5 are DUE when they walk into my room in the morning. They'll have a quiz they'll be taking over set 1 and 2... and I"ll check out their card sets while they take the quiz. If the cards aren't done I'll just keep them in for recess to help them finish.

   We've already worked on these cards in class two days and will be working on them again tomorrow..  They also have the option of taking sets home and putting them together there to get them done faster. The fastest way I've found to do it is to stick a term on each card face first... then go back and match up the definitions. I can usually crank out a set in about 10 minutes.

Kids are welcome to borrow glue sticks, scissors and cards to help them complete these card sets. I have lots of extras available.

   Please feel free to ask questions about the cards, their creation and ways to practice at home. .  Any kid in my class who has an older sibling that has made these before and who still has their complete set (They were told to keep them until the end of 8th grade) can use the previously made set... they don't have to make another!

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